Blog: Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doctor
by chef jem

The Chef As The Highest Form of Doctor

Revisioning the role that chefs (and restaurants) can play in restoring health in the community.

Date:   5/2/2015 12:17:23 AM   ( 9 y ) ... viewed 3000 times

May 2, 2015 -

In a number of traditional cultures througout the world the chef has been regarded as the doctor of choice. He was the one with special knowledge about foods-as-medicine. In some restaurants in China each item on the menu would list what conditions that dish would be benefical for.[1]

August 29, 2019 -

The term doctor has a variety of uses and meanings. If you search the etymology of doctor you'll get the idea. One of the etymologically researched definitions of doctor is teacher. Thomas Edison referred to "the doctor of the future" as teacher.[24] Nevertheless the most popular definition in conventional terms is that of a medical practitioner.

This blog-writer, nutritional therapy chef consultant, researcher, mentor and healer is not a medical doctor and does not pretend to be one. His first "medicine of choice" is nutrient-dense nourishing food as delicious prepared as possible, aka "food-as-medicine." Ideally the source of this food would be within close walking distance of where one lives and the food would be grown/raised with a dedication to soil-building. Also ideally the individuals partaking of this food would have some direct relationship with the agricultural process. There is much more that can be said about one's ideal relationship with food-as-medicine.

August 19, 2019 - A Chef-doctor Realizes the Poisonous Nature of Sugar -

What would the world be like if we didn’t become so addicted to sugar over the past half century? If allopathic medicine, which claims to be scientifically-based, had listened to scientists 50 years ago about the dangers of sugar, we could be living in a totally different world. After all, the FDA’s given mandate is to ensure the safety of our nation's food supply. And if sugar is not safe, shouldn’t the FDA have warned us about that scientific fact similar to the warnings issued for tobacco and alcohol? ...

... (regarding) an article exposing “How The Sugar Industry Tried To Hide The Health Effects Of Its Product 50 Years Ago.”[19] The article begins, “About 50 years ago, the sugar industry stopped funding research that began to show something they wanted to hide: that eating lots of sugar is linked to heart disease. A new study exposes the sugar industry’s decades-old effort to stifle that critical research.” This study in JAMA proves what was becoming apparent 50 years ago - that a high sugar diet increases your risk of heart disease. As soon as that inconvenient fact became known, all funding for that project was pulled and the results were never published.

The sugar industry never admitted that sugar causes weight gain – they said it was due to lack of exercise. However, there is weight gain caused by sugar, which leads to insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, elevated lipids, and eventually heart disease. And, according to this JAMA study, sugar intake can harm the heart even without weight gain.

The study took 15 years and found that trial subjects eating 25% of their daily calories as sugar doubled their risk of dying from heart disease compared with those eating 10% sugar.

In my Death by Modern Medicine book (Dr. Carolyn Dean) I wrote that on April 23, 2003, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) presented an independent expert report titled “Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases.” The WHO report focused special attention on added sugars and determined that a healthy diet should contain no more than 10% added sugar.

In the US 72% of the population is overweight, yet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans only advise that sugar should be used in moderation they don’t give a number. Even worse, the Institute of Medicine, part of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, keeps the sugar industry happy by endorsing an excessive 25% of their calories from added sugar. That means if you eat a 2,000 calorie diet, 500 calories are sugar is one quarter of that amount and since there are 4 grams of sugar in every carb, you are eating 150 grams of carbs a day. The amount of carbs that you can eat but still maintain your weight or lose weight are between 20 and 50 grams. The amount of sugars allowed by our health experts ensure weight gain. Even 10% sugars from the diet means a carb intake of 50 grams. Note that a can of soda may contain 10 tsp or 40 grams of sugar; a bottle of energy drink, like Rockstar can have up to 15 tsp or 65 grams of sugar!

The sugar industry and the soft drink industry fought to have the WHO policy removed and the allowable sugar levels raised. In a blatant attempt to derail implementation of the Diet and Nutrition Report, the sugar industry lobbied the U.S. government to withhold its $400 million funding from the UN and WHO if it went ahead with its recommendations.

The United States Department of Health and Human Services instead of supporting the WHO recommendation to help reduce chronic disease, produced a 28-page, line-by-line critique, which was just a blatant pandering to American food companies that produce much of the world’s high-calorie, high-profit sodas and snacks, especially the makers of sugars.

However, by 2014 the WHO, keeping to its mandate, began recommending that only 5% of daily calories should come from added sugars. The recommendation was not associated with any fanfare, presumably to fly under the radar of the sugar industry.

You can read another article about “How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat.”[20] Also read my 33-page Rebuttal[21] to the horrendous charges drummed up against me for speaking out about sugar on Canadian national TV 37 years ago. Anyone who tried to tell the truth about sugar was publicly castigated so they wouldn't gain media attention diverting the sugar agenda. With this recent study I could say I’ve been vindicated but it isn’t about me; it’s about the millions of people who were allowed to keep eating mountains of sugar in spite of the known dangers.

But let’s imagine what the world would be like if medicine had followed the Hippocratic Oath to “first do no harm” and “use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients…”

Educating the public about the dangers of consuming too much sugar would result in far less obesity; less ineffective gastric bypass surgery; and less weight loss drugs with their fatal heart attack side effects (Fen-Phen).

There would be less obesity, less metabolic syndrome, less lipid imbalance, and therefore less heart disease.
Blaming dietary fat as the culprit in heart disease unleashed an unnecessary witch hunt against saturated fats opening the commercial market to trans fats for decades until trans fats were found to be far worse!

Magnesium deficiency is associated with heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and obesity. Perhaps if medicine was more involved with nutrition, they could have avoided this epidemic. Instead there is NO Nutrition subspecialty in medicine. There is a Bariatrics subspecialty that deals with obesity. Instead of preventing the problem, they allow it to manifest and then use drugs and surgery to treat it.

If medicine and the public were more aware of the dangers of sugar and the industry not covering up the problem, they might not have attacked me and convinced my licensing body that I was a danger to society because I said bad things about sugar! By keeping me (and other critics) out of mainstream media, the message of natural solutions was greatly hampered. Drug companies became the main advertiser on TV and natural solutions were demonized.

If there were more awareness of nutrition we might have avoided our magnesium deficiency epidemic and the associated 65 diseases that can be the result. Sugar creates a magnesium deficit because the liver needs twenty-eight atoms of magnesium to process one molecule of glucose. Fructose requires fifty-six atoms of magnesium.

Sugar also contributes to the epidemic of yeast overgrowth that we suffer. If we had limited our intake of sugar to the WHO recommendation of 5% of our daily calories, we would not suffer the autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s or dozens of other inflammatory conditions that plague the Western world.

Tonight on our internet based radio show, we'll be talking with Dr. Carolyn Dean about The Hidden Effects of Sugar along with a wide range of health topics and safe solutions. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with our callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the 'conflict' in the 'conflict basis' of disease and much more!! sure join us this evening for another wonderful, information packed broadcast. If you yourself are unable to make the show, you have the option to email me [Ginney] and have your question or comment included in our MailBag Segment that is featured in Hour Two. Remember, the valuable information, suggestions, and insights about your health choices can always be discussed with your doctor, should you choose to do so.

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+ About Dr. Carolyn Dean
Carolyn Dean MD ND has been on for eight years offering practical strategies to improve health, vitality, and well-being the natural way. As a medical doctor, naturopath, certified clinical nutritionist and master of many modalities including acupuncture and homeopathy, Carolyn Dean MD ND authored over 33 books and publications including The Magnesium Miracle, 3rd Edition available exclusively at

In addition to the recognition lavished on her by her many customers, clients, and listeners Dr. Dean has received several prestigious awards including “The Arrhythmia Alliance Outstanding Medical Contribution to Cardiac Rhythm Management Services Award 2012” at The Heart Rhythm Congress organized by The Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), Sept 23-26, 2012 and the Integrative Medicine Award presented at the Sacred Fire Gala in September 2014.

For a full disclosure of the effects of magnesium and mineral supplementation as well as research and contraindications please visit[18]

May 21, 2019 - Chef-doctors for: "Nutritional and dietary intervention (using a diet verified for) improving non-verbal IQ, autism symptoms, developmental age in children and adults with ASD."

A study showed improvement in participants after one year on:
"... a nutrient dense diet with adequate organic produce, quality protein, and sufficient calories from healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, ghee (certified casein-free if no dairy IgE allergy), and grass-fed tallow."

Additional factors of the diet:
"Remove food toxins that place extra burden on detoxification pathways (like MSG, artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives) by avoiding processed foods.
Remove foods that promote gut inflammation (such as gluten, casein, soy, sugar, and industrial seed oils)."[17]

The above dietary guidelines may be essentially summarized as a "Nourishing Traditions" diet sans gluten and, casein (and if need be - more restrictive regarding the possible added sugars that are in some of the desert and other recipes).

August 25, 2019 - More (or ideally less) "Inflammation." -

"In my world inflammation is due to calcification that occurs in the face of magnesium deficiency, and the 178 toxins from yeast overgrowth."[22]

January 26, 2019 - One Perfect Example of Why America Needs Chef-doctors -

From the Wise Traditions Journal of Winter 2018 -

Bosses are having a hard time curbing sugar consumption in the workplace. When Health IQ of Mountain View, California, banned candy bars, soda and other sugary concoctions in the office, employees took to social media to complain. Most don’t want to give up the free doughnuts, cake and other confections they get at work. One employee was particularly annoyed—she breakfasts on Starbucks venti mocha with two pumps of toffee-nut syrup and lunches on four chocolate chip cookies. But some employees welcome rules like these, reporting that the amount of sugary treats in the office is overwhelming. “Every birthday is celebrated with a cake, and there are always leftover cookies and sugary snacks after client meetings. Refuse a cupcake and some coworkers give you a look like you’re being dramatic.” Erin Wynn, head of a team of millennials at WeLocalize Inc. in New York City, told workers to keep the sweets they ate hidden. Everywhere she looked were “bowls of candy, leftover cake and bagels, bagels, bagels,” which she found too tempting to refuse. It’s obvious that addictive sugar consumption is rampant among younger workers. In June, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a study looking at the food people get at work, finding that much of it was high in empty calories from “sugars and fats.” That would be industrial seed oil fats that office workers are eating, not healthy fats in butter, cheese and meat. What kind of future can we expect when young people haven’t the faintest idea how to eat? U.S. taxpayers spent over six hundred dollars each in 2016 treating obesity-related illnesses covered by Medicare and Medicaid, and this will only get worse as long as government agencies continue to demonize the kind of nutritious foods that help control sugar cravings (Wall Street Journal, September 18, 2018).[15]

Comment: Like the Yin/Yang symbol that shows the white Yang field with a Yin dot in the greater Yang field plus the polarity of black Yin with a white Yang dot in the greater Yin field - a counter balance of real nourishment must arise out of the sugar-infused fields that stretch across American soils and lands. In fact - there already are a number of businesses that are serving truly nourishing meals for their employees including some actually prepared by real chefs! In other words "a counter balance of real nourishment" is most certainly possible. We are already beginning to see some of the benefits for the employees and consequently for the businesses as well. Virtually any business that currently provides junk food for their employees could consider rethinking what they are doing and what the impacts are for people and business alike.

In the early 70s of my early days in food service I worked as a cook at an office building in Chicago that included a restaurant for employees. We served a real breakfast and a lunch. We had a chef as well preparing roasts from which (if I recall correctly) we made our sandwiches. At that time the meals were appeared to be paid by the employees however I don't know whether they may have had an expense account or reimbursements to some extent for the meals. In any case there was real nourishment conveniently available for all the people who worked in that office building.

I would love to see real food options wherever employees work - knowing what I know now of the extent of all the junk foods that are freely available at many businesses. The reason I title this "...Why America Needs Chef-doctors" is because I know the addictive potential of sugar and that it could very well take a Chef-doctor's knowledge (of the kinds of food-as-medicine especially prepared for sugar addicts) in order to successfully support the physiological transformation that's required to overcome this kind of addiction. Previous Wise Traditions Journal include, articles and testimonials of individuals who have successfully navigated their way through what might be called the high turbulent seas of the sugar traders!

May 12, 2019 - More (preferably less) On Sugar - "Sugar = Diabetes" By Carolyn Dean MD ND, "The Doctor of the Future®" -

I’m finally finishing Death by Sugar that I began writing in 1990. That book got me where I am today. When I talked about writing the book on a Canadian national TV show I set off a firestorm in the sugar industry. I guess it was because I spooned out 10 tsp of sugar into a dish to indicate the amount of sugar in a soda and 27 tsp for a milkshake. Such blatant exposure of sugar compelled a Canadian sugar lobby group to attack me through The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. The College, of course, is supposed to protect the public from harm, not protect an industry that is harming the public. But we all know we’re living in an Upsidedown World.[16]

The "milkshake" was one of my most favorite foods between the ages of about seven to seventeen. I preferred "malts." I think the malts probably had even more sugar! However I didn't really have any concerns about my sugar intake at that time (and apparently my parents didn't really have any concerns other than the thought that too much candy could contribute to cavities). Now I can't even remember the last time I had a malt. However I occasionally have thought of having a milkshake but I think of having it made with homemade real ice-cream from raw pasture-raised cream, pasture-raised eggs and real vanilla. Maybe a minimal amount of raw honey or maple syrup added but now refined sugar.

May 2, 2015 -

A new group has recently been formed for "bridging" between farmers and physicians.[2] IMO - Chefs have a role to play right in the very center of this midway between the farmer and the practitioner! It's a role that I wish to encourage for most chefs and it is deep in the heart of the Cheeta vision[3].

Chefs need training to become Chef-doctors who use food-as-medicine. This blog-writing Chef-doctor can offer the training.

May 4th - Continuing -

The “Essence” of the following linked-article has impressed me to the point that I bookmarked it in eleven different folders!

"... In Ayurveda, foods such as Ghee, Almonds, Coconut Meat and Dates, herbs such as Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Amalaki, Haritaki and the mineral substance Shilajit all build Ojas (the deepest regenerative energy in the body).

Other foods and herbs from around the world that build and support this energy are Pastured Egg Yolks, Oysters, Spirulina, Chlorella, Cashews, Pumpkin Seeds, Nettles, Maca, Organ Meats and all the Bee Products."[4]

More on the 4th -

"Medicine, which sought to balance the bodily humours and ultimately the basic qualities of hot and cold, wet and dry, was itself a sort of alchemy, and cooking was its principal instrument.":

Introduction in "Cooking as Sacred Alchemy"

Also: "Cooking is not just about the pursuit of pleasure, though it is also that. It is about our connection with the natural world, with the vital, creative principle of the universe and with other human beings, with community. Cooking has, in other words, historically been a deeply spiritual act and is becoming so once again for those engaged in the culinary counter-revolution."[5]

I've just contacted the author of "The Alchemist's Kitchen" and asked what the status of that is now.

May 7, 2015 -

According to the Human Design System the biology of the Solar Plexus Center includes the nervous system, kidneys, pancreas, solar plexus neuron network and the lungs.

According to Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov there are "four pairs of lumbar ganglia - located in the region of the kidneys which are related to Libra, the symbol of equilibrium - (that) are connected to the digestive organs (stomach, liver, intestines, etc). When someone does not eat wisely, the balance is upset, the two pans of the scales are no longer level and the resulting problems show that justice has had to intervene to restore order."[6]

August 9, 2015 -

I've mentioned Reiki in my Cheeta vision a number of times before. I have third degree Reiki and practice every day. The initial Reiki activation/attunement is primarily focused on the hands. It's a "no-brainer" in my thinking that Reiki belongs in every kitchen and therefore every chef deserves to have at least first degree Reiki - ideally provided to them by the community or the business that the kitchen serves.

"Reiki treatment is offered in prestigious cancer centers such as Memorial Sloan Kettering (New York City), Dana Farber/Harvard (Boston), and M.D. Anderson (Houston)."[7]

I would love to see the day when I can post here that chefs at these fine hotels, restaurants, resorts, etc. Reiki their food! In the meanwhile I'm one chef who gives Reiki to all my food!

I've contacted the above mentioned "prestigious cancer centers".[11]

September 7th, 2015 -

With all the digestive complaints Americans report (and or indicate by their purchases of digestive aids) it amazes me that there is not one restaurant in my city that is truly devoted to really good digestion! Here is what such a restaurant would feature:

#1 - Whole, wild caught seafood plus pasture-raised animal protein - why? Because the protein is essential for good digestion. Pastured eggs have the most perfect protein profile closely matched for human consumption. Pastured raw milk is a complete nourishment food. I give extra endorsement to cultured varieties as they increase digestibility.

#2 - Real Traditional Fats! It amazes me how effectively the food industry demonized the people's traditional fats and largely replaced butter, lard, tallow and the like with hydrogenated oils and all kinds of weird inventions that "taste like butter". Finally print media came out with cover stories admitting they were wrong about butter! That was months ago and yet the imitation inventions are still selling off the shelves at the grocery stores as if that confession was never heard! We need restaurants that goes beyond the written word (that you can't eat) and demonstrates the full recovery of real foods with exclusive inclusion of all the Real Traditional Fats!

#3 - Bone broth as the quintessential foundation of traditional cuisines! See my blog devoted to Bone Broth:

#4 - Properly prepared grains. Not preparing grains according to traditional wisdom has been a major contributor to the digestive complaints of consumers who rely upon the grain-based products manufactured by the food industry. All grains need to be at least pre-soaked. I most often go a step further and sprout the grains and some times take an additional step and ferment the sprouted grain for the ultimate preparation to maximize easy digestion. The final step is to cook the grain in bone broth!

#5 - Lacto-fermented vegetables! If you are raised in America you probably have heard "eat your vegetables". It's a phrase that is more often spoken here than in other countries where eating fermented vegetables is more common. The fermented vegetables are super vegetables with their nutrition increased via their own natural cultures. Once again offering easier to digest foods because you are what you digest, not just what you eat!

#6 - Liquid foods-as-medicine! Another monkey wrench added to the undermining of digestion has been the proliferation of non-food drink inventions. That started before you were born with the sugar-saturated, carbonated, artificially-colored drinks typically served ice cold - maximizing the multiple challenges for the body to attempt digestion. I knew a man who "lived" on Dr. Pepper and came very close to completely destroying his health. He stopped drinking that cr@% and regained his health again. My endorsed restaurant/s would serve our own "home-made" kombucha with medicinal herbs, beet kvass, "home-made" ginger ale, medicinal teas with bone broth and additional butter which has recently become my favorite drink!

January 22, 2020 - Happy (Rave) New Year as of today! Happy Chinese New Year as of Tomorrow's New Moon! -

Magnesium-Enriched Beet Kvass as a Natural Food-as-Medicine Remedy for Vertigo:

Take a glass or ceramic gallon jug, a beet, 1 tablespoon of sea salt, 1 teaspoon of a powdered magnesium salt source and a lemon. Peel the beet and cut it into quarters and put it in the containers. Add the juice of the lemon, the sea salt and magnesium salts and fill with water. Drink that (after) 12 hours (and possibly up to about three days). Repeat every day until dizziness is gone. Maintain by drinking half that amount with a teaspoon of sea salt and take a magnesium supplement.

Inorganic powdered magnesium salts can also be added to whey, lemon juice or vinegar. This will convert some of the inorganic magnesium in it to its more bio-active forms of magnesium lactate, magnesium citrate and magnesium acetate. Sources of powdered magnesium salts include powdered dolomite, Epsom salts and magnesium carbonate, often sold as gym chalk. Chalk is sold either as a powder or solid. If solid, it is easily dissolved in water.[23]

September 30, 2018 - The importance of Eliminating Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners As Well! -

Carolyn Dean MD ND
The Doctor of the Future® -

Sugar is definitely falling out of favor. I’ve described one of the reasons why in a recent blog. Everyone knows that sugar is bad for them and it’s the first thing to go if you go on any new diet. Unfortunately in its wake is an increased acceptance of artificial sweeteners.

In the article “AHA Advises Low-Calorie Sweeteners May Be Useful in Adults,” Medscape uses “low-calorie” to take the sting out of artificial, which is what these chemical sweeteners really are. Fortunately they do give two natural sweeteners Stevia and Luo Han Guo a nod but don’t really say they are natural and safe.

OK, now for the crazy part of this message. The AHA says it’s OK for adults to use sweeteners but “With evidence lacking on the long-term effects of low-calorie sweetened beverages, the (AHA) is advising against the long-term consumption of the drinks by children.” Of course, this makes no sense. Why would a potential poison be OK for adults and not for children? And once the kid hits 18, is he/she magically protected against the dangers of artificial sweeteners?

The AHA should be admonishing everyone to JUST STOP SUGAR because it can cause diabetes and heart disease and dozens of other conditions. And they should not substitute chemicals because they can have damaging effects. Instead reports on synthetic artificial sweeteners say that people regard low-cal as a health food, so they actually drink or eat more – and they still eat sugar because they think that low-cal magically balances out the bad part of sugar!! I kid you not.

The debate over the dangers of the artificial sweetener aspartame is quite polarized. The makers of the product say there are no negatives from their in-house studies but the critics say non-industry studies are all negative. Unfortunately the side effects of artificial sweeteners are not necessarily the same as sugar’s side effects. So they are comparing apples and oranges and giving artificial sweeteners a pass.

Probably the best way to research this is to do your own experiment. If you are using artificial sweeteners, stop them for 3 weeks and see how you feel. Then eat or drink a large amount and see how you feel. If you know you are “allergic” or “sensitive” already, do not do this experiment – just keep away from it. There are self-help groups such as Sweet Poison that can give you insight. I learned a lot about the dangers of aspartame from Betty Martini at Mission Possible.

It must be quite a setback for Betty to see these chemicals promoted by the AHA, an organization that should be protecting people’s health. The ADA (American Diabetes Association) also encourages the use of artificial sweeteners because they want people to cut back on sugar.

The recommendations refer to the six high-intensity sweeteners currently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — saccharin, aspartame, acesulfame-K, sucralose, neotame, and advantame. They also included Stevia and Luo Han Guo and said that the FDA has issued no objection letters regarding these natural sweeteners.

I recommend Stevia products if you feel you need more sweetness in your life. I don’t use any sugar or sweeteners at all. For dessert on my new Ketogenic diet, I mash frozen berries with heavy whipping cream for a natural ice cream!! ...[14]

October 13th, 2015 -

Naturally the Chef-Doctor of a truly restorative-restaurant[10] will assure the inclusion of the healing forces in music.

From the results in my search for: "dna and music":

"... the Italian vineyard II Paradiso di Frassina displays its passion for both wine and classical music. Since buying the property 20 miles outside of Sienna in 1999, owner Giancarlo Cignozzi has been playing Mozart around the clock to his vines. ... the grower found that the grapes closest to the speakers were nearly 50 percent larger than those that were shielded from music. Even better, while the music was a boon to wines, it also scared away pests and shielded the plants from mold and harmful bacteria."[8]

"... The idea that DNA and music might be connected comes from the work of Dr. Susumu Ohno, a geneticist at the Beckmamn Research Institute of the City of Hope in Duarte, California. The genes of every organism are composed of strands of DNA, which in turn are made up of four nucleotides containing the bases adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine, arranged in sequences that are unique for each species. In an imaginative leap, Dr. Ohno assigned musical notes to these substances -- ...
Then having assigned musical notes to each base, Dr. Ohno chose a particular key and timing, as well as the duration of each note. The result was a melodic composition that was finally fleshed out with harmonies by his wife, Midori, a musician.

... the scores were then performed by professional musicians on instruments such as the piano or organ, violin, and viola. Dr. Ohno has notated over fifteen songs ... He finds that the more evolved an organism is, the more complicated is the music. The DNA of a single-cell protozoan, for example translates into a simple four-note repetition. But the music transcribed from human DNA -- e.g. the body's receptor site for insulin -- is much more complex.

Listeners knowledgeable about music have taken these DNA-based compositions for the music of Bach, Brahms, Chopin and other great composers. These melodies are majestic and inspiring. Many persons hearing them for the first time are moved to tears: they cannot believe their bodies, which they believed to be mere collections of chemicals, contain such uplifting inspiring harmonies -- that they are musical. Not only is it possible to make music starting with DNA, but one can also do the reverse -- start with great pieces of music, assign nucleotides to the
notes and end up with a particular type of DNA. When Dr. Ohno transcribed a Chopin piece into a chemical notation, sections of the resulting formula were the DNA of a human cancer gene. It seems that even cancers have their own music!"[9]

November 9, 2015 -

Gift List:

Give a one-of-a-kind, most unique gift, to your loved one/s whom you'd like to see enjoy real food most deliciously prepared and possibly as "medicine" by yours truly chef-doctor Jemichel!

July 1, 2017 - Scrutinizing Ingredients in Prepared Dressings -

I read labels on all prepared products and I generally reject any product that has any ingredient that doesn't measure up to my standards which I believe are essentially the same as those expressed by the Weston A. Price Foundation. I have a bottle of Orange Miso Vinaigrette by "Litehouse Foods" that lists Soy Sauce as one to the ingredients. I am wondering whether or not it is fermented as Soy Sauce traditional is fermented. The only way I know of finding out is to ask the company which I do with the following message aI just submitted at their site:


Thank you for this access to contact you!

Is the Soy Sauce ingredient in your Orange Miso Vinaigrette fermented?

"Zip Code" under protest,
Without Prejudice,
By: Chef Jemichel
without the United States.

July 3, 2017 - Got a Reply!:
"Good Afternoon Chef Jemichel,

Thank you for contacting Litehouse. The soy sauce used in our orange miso is indeed fermented.
We hope this information was helpful. Should you have any other questions, please reach out. ..."

I'll try this "Vinaigrette" soon!

March 6, 2018 - Chef (and the "Chef-Doctor") as "Nutritionist" -

"(Sally) Fallon Morell thinks some prospective nutritionists would be better suited in careers as personal chefs, cooking consultants or even lifestyle coaches. Such professions are completely unregulated. 'Help people declutter their cupboards of junk food and restock with nutrient-dense foods,' she says. 'Teach them to cook proper meals. Or cook the meals for them. There are strict laws about opening catering businesses or restaurants, but no laws against working in other people’s kitchens, no matter what the level of sanitation. There are plenty of well-to-do families that desperately need this kind of help and are prepared to pay well.'”[12]

"Did you know that in the U.S. medical schools offer only 19.6 hours of nutrition education across four years of medical school, according to a 2010 report in Academic Medicine? In a 2016 study, researchers at Case Western Reserve University examined data from 25 family medicine, internal medicine and OB-GYN medical residency programs throughout Ohio: What they found is that these programs averaged 2.8 hours of instruction on obesity, nutrition, and physical activity counseling, and only 42 percent of them taught the residents techniques for how to perform health behavior counseling.
Given this, it's not exactly shocking that many doctors would receive a failing grade on nutritional know-how."[13]- Dr. Carolyn Dean.

The published findings of Dr. Weston A. Price (Primarily in "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration") forms the knowledge base for the Weston A. Price Foundation. Dr Price was a Dentist and able to make health evaluations based on dental health as well as physiology. In addition Dr. Price included laboratory analysis of foods whereby he was able to determine nutrient density of the kinds of foods included in the diets of the isolated primitive peoples who demonstrated superior health. The many years that Dr. Price devoted to nutritional research and analysis sets him far apart from the few hours of study typically given to medical doctors of today. A chef who is oriented in the "Wise Traditions" that were originally discovered by Weston A. Price and currently represented in both "Nourishing Traditions" and through the Weston A. Price Foundation may offer individuals nutritional support in ways that are not even considered within the medical paradigm.



Also: The Rise and Fall of The "Restaurant" -
"... certain soups ... were known as restaurants — literally 'restoratives'


[3] C.h.e.e.t.a. is an acrornym for Cultural Healing ~ Enlightened Ecology ~ Transforming Art and is most applicable to the "Culinary Arts"! I envision the day when the medicinal qualities of foods prepared by chefs merits the most value thus taking the culinary arts to a new heights where health and wellness are most celebrated!

[4] This link "died".







[11] My letter:

Greetings Public Affairs!

I've just learned from Reiki Master/practitioner Pamela Miles that Reiki treatments are offered in your "prestigious cancer center". Would it be possible to please verify this information?

I have posted the news at my blog:
however I prefer to have your verification in order to keep it posted there.

Also would like to know whether your center is aware that once given a first degree Reiki attunement your chef (and/or other kitchen staff) can Reiki the food that is prepared and served for your patients.

Thank you very much for considering my inquires and I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Best Regards,
without prejudice
By: Chef Jemichel
Private Chef-Doc @ San Diego, California
(In "The United States of America")
without the "United States".


[13] a=cKfkpk&c=NMECq8&r=aH5QSwN&m=PVdRFy&k=5e9f7700c3cf4638bb00e5c5c12e6646


Also see:










[24] "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." — Thomas A. Edison
Quoted in "The Emotion Code" By Dr. Brad Nelson DC.

Chef-doctor Jemichel offers many "Foods-as-Medicine" ~ all most deliciously (and wisely) prepared!


traditional culture, chef, doctor, food as medicine, restaurant, Cheeta, chef training, restoratives, Healing, Culinary Arts, medicinal foods, health, wellness, Essence, Ayurveda, Ghee, Almonds, Coconut Meat, Pastured Egg Yolks, Oysters, Organ Meats, Bee Products, alchemist's kitchen, biology, reiki, Soy Sauce, sugar


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Comments (25 of 110):
Re: FDA Budget, Di… Chef-… 12 mon
Re: "Got Coconut O… Chef-… 2 y
Re: FDA & The Pent… Chef-… 4 y
Re: "Brain Tumor" … Chef-… 5 y
Re: Chef Jem Now T… Chef-… 5 y
Re: Got Coconut Oi… kermi… 5 y
Re: Cod Liver Oil … justg… 5 y
Re: Cod Liver Oil … justg… 5 y
Re: Research By: C… kermi… 6 y
Re: Heart Disease … Chef … 7 y
Re: Why Cancer Is … piniK… 8 y
Re: Organic Laws f… vaira… 8 y
Re: Long Winter Ni… Pamst… 9 y
Re: "Brain Tumor" … hopna… 9 y
Re: My Kitchen! InCharge 9 y
Re: My Nourishing … Mike1… 9 y
Re: What Causes He… The H… 10 y
Re: Easy Fat Diges… #1176… 10 y
Re: The Thyroid Gl… Gnosi… 10 y
Re: These Authors … jwan 10 y
Re: Big Fat Miracl… kermi… 10 y
Re: So Much of You… every… 11 y
Re: FDA & The Pent… refre… 13 y
19 Related Blogs R… Chef … 13 y
Re: Traditional Fo… trimn… 13 y
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