Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 342 of 731

Dialogue Sponsors--New Art   14 y  
Dialogue Sponsors--New Art
11:57 AM February 23, 2010 I just made this new Art. I will explain more later. I need to take care of myself. thanks, Leslie   visit the page

Shifting the Nature of the World   14 y  
Shifting the Nature of the World: Dr. Robert Fraley, Ph.D., the father of agricultural biotechnology, spoke on "Sustainable Solutions for Doubling Crop Productivity by 2030" at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 176th Annual Meeting in San Diego. AAAS is the most prestigious science organization in the nation with members rooted in national policy. After his talk, I approached Robert Fraley with the idea that It's time for GMO and Organic Lovers to talk. I approached him with the idea of lessening tension through dialogue. Robert Fraley, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at the Monsanto Company. the man who has influenced the lives of more than 12 million farmers on more than 282 million acres in twenty-three countries worldwide. said yes to the idea. He planted a beet seed in a sugar cane bagasse pot to grow out the intention as did four other key players through the day. I handed him a copy of the Monsanto Company literature that was placed on the seats. I asked him to write me a note. He wrote: "Leslie, Let's close the gap!' Robert Fraley
JOIN THE DIALOGUE ON SCIENCE, ETHICS, AND FOOD ON FACEBOOK Robert, Leslie, and Tami February 21, 2010. around 1:25 PM, Sunday afternoon. Room 6C, San Diego Convention Center, AAAS 2010 Annual Meeting. Robert is Dr. Robert T. Fraley, Chief Tecnology Officer for Monsanto Company, Leslie Is Your Enchanted Gardener, Plant Your Dream popular blogger, and Tami is Tami Craig Schilling, Director, Strategic Communications & Operations, Monsanto Company, Public Affairs. The Cartoon character ...   read more

Family Science Days at AAAS San Diego were Open to All for Free   14 y  
Family Science Days at AAAS San Diego were Open to All for Free
Staff from the San Diego Natural History Museum were part of family science day activities February 20-21 at the AAAS 2010 Annual Meeting held at the Convention Center. The Natural history museum brought down a collection of bugs from around the world, and had another display of bugs just from San Diego County. Kids also had the opportunity to chip away at ancient fossil sea shells embedded in soil. The paleontologists wanted to teach the kids what to do if they ever run across deposits. The Family Science day was a free activity open to al ...   read more

Gabriel Cousens looks good in his "genes"   14 y  
Gabriel Cousens looks good in his "genes." THE POWER OF LIVE FOODS in the February 2010 issue of VISION MAGAZINE has important information to share. For those within a 100 mile radius of San Diego this upcoming weekend, join DR. GABRIEL COUSENS at the WORLD BEAT CENTER Friday through Sunday, February 26,27,28.
February 22, 2010 2:04 PM DR. GABRIEL COUSENS has a great article in the February 2010 issue of VISION MAGAZINE. You can read the online story here: THE POWER OF LIVE FOODS If scientists were a bit less reductionist by nature, and more omni-lateral in their thinking, they might go far toward resolving some of the emerging crisis of our times, including diabetes. Dr. Cousens shares some brilliant ideas about genes, one of the core constituents of individual make up in his article in VISION. To Register for the workshop, go here: To Register for the wo ...   read more

"Uncle Leslie" was a Hit with the Science 10th Graders   14 y  
"Uncle Leslie" was a Hit with the Science Teens at Ms Eva Becker's 10th grade classes. Leslie talked food and planted seed dreams the morning after Fat Tuesday.
WITH THE KIDS LINK TO THE NEW PLANT YOUR DREAM WEB SITE KID’s CURRICULUM NEW LINK MS EVA BECKER’s WEBPAGE AT HAMI HIGH SCHOOL She says: Dear Parents and Students, Announcements: ”Uncle Leslie”, The Enchanted Gardener, came to visit our BIO classes on February 17th. He taught us about planting our dreams through getting in touch with nature and thereby our true inner selves. We planted beet plants and are watching them grow our seed dreams!! We learned about the importance of eating natural foods tha ...   read more

Get a Science Education through these Great AAAS Audio Tapes   14 y  
Get a Science Education through these Great AAAS Audio Tapes
ADS LIST OF CD’s AND MP3 DOWNLOADS FROM THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE (AAAS) 2010 ANNUAL MEETING, February 18-22, 2010 CONTACT INFO FOR ORDERING TAPES FROM the AAAS 2010 ANNUAL MEETING IN SAN DIEGO Http:// 800.810.8273 JASON MITCHELL recorded many of the sessions down at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 176th Meeting. He had a staff of five at the event. There were 18 rooms per time slot. 170 sessions were recorded. I want to thank Jason for a job well done. He has ...   read more

Award Winner Francis Collins :AAAS Advances Science and Serves Society   14 y  
Science Award Winners (AAAS) Advance Science and Serve Society. Dr. Francis Collins receives the AAAS Philip Hauge-Abelson Prize. Science Teacher Keep the Beet Media Star, The World's First Talking Beet plant, likes Dr. Collins and considers him one of Washington's most untiring servants for the public good.
AAAS AWARD AND PRIZE WINNERS These awards were presented at the 176th AAAS Meetng February 20, 2010, at the San Diego Convention Center. It was a privilege and honor to attend this award ceremony that recognized extraordinary achievements of the men and women who were the recepients of the 2009 AAAS awards and prizes. Among the winners were Francis S. Collins, M.D.n Ph.D Director of the National Institutes of Health, the agency of the U.S. Government. I first met Dr. Collins on Friday at the Convention Center. KEEP The BEET Media Star, The World’s First Ta ...   read more

Pro and Con Monsanto Issues   14 y  
Pro and Con Monsanto Issues
12:54 AM February 21, 2010 CON MONSANTO Received this in the email. Gives a good explanation of the Con issues against Monsanto. Monsanto owns 90% of the seed supply. Monsanto in Irag. ”You can no longer use the seeds you have always used.” Monsanto patenting seeds that were developed in Irag. Issues Raised in this Potcast: The government has decided that people do not need to know if GMO’s are in the food. PRO The Forbes Article Monsanto Company of the Year h ...   read more

"GMO and Organic Lovers to Talk!" sez Keep the Beet--New Art   14 y  
"GMO and Organic Lovers to Talk!" sez Keep the Beet--New Art
Uploaded 12:30 AM February 21, 2010 Uploaded 12:27 AM February 20, 2010   read more

Lessening the Tension between GMO vs Organic   14 y  
The Seed Dream I will plant in soil tomorrow: An invitation to engage in a healthy dialogue between those who support Genetic Engineering in its applications to seeds and farming, and those who support organic food production and its lifestyle. I will seed beets and beet seeds that this will grow into a new plant, a plant that represents an intention, a new AAAS program called (DoSEF), The AAAS Program of Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food. As the Seed Grows, so may the program I now see and seed, grow up from healthy soil.
11:26 PM February 20, 2010 I have been spending time with members of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE (AAAS). I am part of the press corps. I came in to this experience with a sense of urgency about the state of GMO Foods. I was drawn in to hear DR. ROBERT T. FRALEY, Dr. Fraley oversees Monsanto’s integrated crop and seed agribusiness technology and research with facilities in most world areas. The AAAP is a remarkable organization and this is its 146th meeting. Last night I attended a a recep ...   read more

Profound and Life Shifting Experience at the AAAS 2010 Annual Meeting   14 y  
Attending this year’s 176th Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has been a life shifting experience for me.
 Read on.

This Art was created this morning on Photoshop elements. I intentionally left off the credentials for Dr. Peter Agre, AAAS President, DIrector, Malaria Research Institute, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. When we all get to the gates of Heaven, we will not be seen for the letters after our name, but for the gift we have given back to life as we walked together serving humanity. This photo was taken during the Opening Ceremony for the 176th Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, February 18-22 2010, San Diego Convent ...   read more

Blogging Contest and Blogs I like written at the AAAS 2010 Annual Meeting   14 y  
Blogging Contest!!! ..and Blogs I like written at and about the AAAS 2010 Annual meeting in San Diego February 18-22, 2010
6:33 AM Februar 22, 2010 I can see my draft on this page, but I still do not know how to publish it. I want help from Jue Wang. I am going down to the press room to see him. 6:16 AM February 22, 2010 I am still finding frustration signing in with MOVABLE TYPE and how to sign in to the Science Blogger site. I have had some profound experiences and blogged about them on the PLANT YOUR DREAM BLOG. I want to go down this morning before my acupuncture session and speak ...   read more

Monsanto Ag's Robert Fraley spoke at Sunday 12:30-1:15 Rm 6c   14 y  
Robert T. Fraley, Monsanto Company, Ag giant, speaks Sunday 12:30-1:15 Rm 6c. His topic was SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR DOUBLING CROP PRODUCTIVITY BY 2030.
7:43 AM February 20, 2010 Sunday, 21 February Sunday, 21 February 12:30 p.m.-1:15 p.m. San Diego Convention Center, Room 6C Robert T. Fraley, Ph.D. Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Monsanto Co., St Louis, Missouri Sustainable Solutions for Doubling Crop Productivity by 2030 Dr. Fraley oversees Monsanto’s integrated crop and seed agribusiness technology and research with facilities in most world areas. He has been involved in agricultural biotechnology since the early eighties and has been with Monsanto for 25 years. His educational bac ...   read more

Mendel in the Kitchen: A scientists View of GM Foods   14 y  
Mendel in the Kitchen: A scientists View of GM Foods
Met the author of this highly readable and very important book last night after Dr. Peter Agre’s Opening Ceremony down here at the AAAS Annual Meeting. I consider this one of the most important books of our time. It opens a point of departure for the issue of our times, GMO’s and their relationship to The Future of Foods. I recommend that you study this book carefully. I made some other comments in this blog called Prove It! Please read Dr. Nina F ...   read more

The Call of Gaia: George Drake, Ph.C   14 y  
Meet a man named George Drake, Ph.C last night at the reception following Dr. Peter Agre's Opening Ceremony at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting. He gifted me with a copy of his book, and told me he was here at the meeting of the nation's scientists to find partners for his project to colonize Mars.
12:52 PM February 20, 2010 Met a man with a cane last night at the reception following the inspiring talk of Dr. Peter Agre, President of AAAS, the American Association for the Advancement of Science. There are many forward looking scientists here at the Annual Meeting. It is an honor to welcome AAAS to San DIego. This is an organization that has really caught my eye. It has also caught the eye of the President I helped elect who now handles government affairs for me. Dr Agre and past president past president Gilbert S. Omenn., M.D., Ph.D. ...   read more

Goldman, The Science Journalist   14 y  
I love writing about science. I would not be walking today if I had not found surgeons good enough to replace my hips twice. And I love being Your Enchanted Gardener, the Dream Planter, for this role allows me to point out the need for new science-based research.
LESLIE GOLDMAN, YOUR ENCHANTED GARDENER from the PRESS ROOM at the AAAS ANNUAL MEETING Feb 19, 2010 12:08 PM February 19, 2010 I love science. I have loved it all my life. In the eleventh grade at Fairfax High School in Los Angeles, before they did an upgrade and built a building over the old pond, Richard Lapidus and I would climb over the fense and catch toads. One night, around 11 PM, we hopped the fense started to collect toads on the football field. They were all over the place. A police car came by and the officers saw us. ...   read more

Is Acupuncture a Science?   14 y  
Is acupuncture a science, I just asked Dr. Greg Spurber, BMBS, DAOM. He is DIrector of Clinical Services at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. If you are feeling in need of some balancing, you may want to catch a cab and come out to Mission Valley for a treatment while in town. That made common sense to me this morning, although I am not sure my decision was scientifically-based.
LESLIE GOLDMAN, YOUR ENCHANTED GARDENER from the PRESS ROOM at the AAAS ANNUAL MEETING Feb 19, 2010 11:44 AM-12:03 PM February 19, 2010 Leslie Goldman, here, Your Enchanted Gardener. I just finished an acupuncture session with the doctor student candidates at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. Warren Sheir and Frank Shuster from Chicago were on the shift. I did not see the M.D. who was part of the team. I did not sleep but a couple hours last night. I was blogging on the AAAS meeting last night. Take a look. I interviewed Dr. Gre ...   read more

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Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
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Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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