Ren's Holistic Fitness and Life Journal
by ren
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square foot gardening for wallet savings!   18 y  
some thoughts about rawfood and money
I am writing about a sensitive issue facing many people and is the primary point of contention facing married couples. The issue is money. How does this impact someone like me who is trying to remake their life in terms of raw food? When I worked in an urban healthfood store, the frequent complaint (excuses really!) is that eating healthy, eating raw is expensive. Exercising is expensive because you need a hitech gym to workout in. I worked in a very diverse and changing neighborhood, primarily black Americans and hispanic immigrants, legal and otherwise. Im only pointing out the illegal i ...   read more

Conquering Depression with Body Consciousness   18 y  
come back from a detour
Yes yes yes...positive body consciousness is possible. No this isn’t proana thinspiration babble as I found when I traced a juice fasting link back to a proana site. This is looking at myself and loving the skin I am in. I’ve lost five pounds since I got back from my honeymoon. It’s not the raw food so much as the exercise that is helping me through this difficult time. Last night I was very depressed. I went to change my driver’s license and then my car broke down far away from the house. I just extremely frustrated and upset. I turned to cooked foods and inactivity to ease my depression ...   read more

some updates   18 y  
my journal updates
Well I moved to my husband’s home finally. I broke raw while I was on the road. I take 100% responsibility because I was rushing out the door. My RFBC homework is to post my plan to eat healthy on my next road trip. Personally I think roadtripping is given to totally unhealthy eating. Except for Subway, truckstops have the worst food. At one rest stop, I did some yoga and felt totally refreshed. I must remember my hot water, my herbal teas, my fruit and my rawfood snacks. Organic blueberry bars are 100% raw and also I need to have some dried fruit. That’s the plan and I’m sticking to it :- ...   read more

saturday updates   18 y  
brief this and that for today
I had my colonic and massage on friday. My colon therapist said I had globs of mucus coming out of my colon HOW DISGUSTING. I think I’ll be off cheese PERIOD for a while. Anyway, I also had a massage and that was great. Today I went ocean swimming OMG what a workout and a great time I had with my sister. We went walking afterwards too. I did some bodyweight exercises on the beach today as well. Food list for today: breakfast: blueberries and strawberries, a Greens bar lunch: lydia’s rawvegan italian crackers and a large weight loss juice with wheatgrass afternoon snacks: sprout ...   read more

Day Three cleanse and more exercise   18 y  
day's achievements
Boy I am EXHAUSTED. I drank puree fruits today, melon, watermelon then a coconut water before bikram yoga. My sister and I went walking on the beach and I am TIRED. Tomorrow morning I have to go deal with the hospital and the FUBAR’d health care industry then it’s off to my colonic and half hour massage. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I am very proud of myself that I did what I set out to do. My face shows it too, it’s very clear and spot free.   visit the page

Food, exercise, beauty goals, other goals   18 y  
my raw goals today
I met all of my goals that I posted except for the sauna. I went to bikram yoga instead. I learned that they carry the class CDs so I don’t have to send out for them. I am fasting today and tomorrow morning and then I’m going to begin eating once again. Today I had a blended cantaloupe for breakfast. Later, it will be a blended honeydew because that’s what I have available in the house. I must unpack my luggage, clean the kitchen,etc. My exercise goal today is another bikram yoga class and a walk on the beac if it isn’t raining. My beauty goal today is to give myself a facial and ...   read more

Food goals/Exercise goals/Beauty goals   18 y  
my goals for the day
Food: Flush my system for two days with apple cider vinegar, herbal colon cleanse tea and barley grass powder in preparation for a colonic on thursday. Exercise: walk one mile, five tibetan rites and body weight exercises Beauty: remove my fake nails from the wedding, go to the sauna, etc.   visit the page

La Belle of the cheese and meat   18 y  
I'm back and ready for raw fitness
Well guys I’m back from France. I have to say that it’s near impossible to eat raw with convenience in that country. Forget about raw, how about vegetarian? Vegan? LOL forget it. France is a vegan’s nightmare. The cheese was wonderful and the cafe cremes were great but after a while, I got sick of it. I did not have the access to fresh fruits and vegetables that I thought I would. City is definately unhealthy and the thing that Parisians have on their side is walking. The second leg of the honeymoon we stayed in Normandie, land of cheese and meat. Not a tomato in sight. I didn’t eat raw bu ...   read more

Putting a dent in cravings with green smoothies   18 y  
brief note about green smoothies
I made my first green smoothie. I used some sprouts, romaine lettuce, cucumber and it tastes good. I do think it’s very fiber filled and I may have some gas later :O) I’ll get used to it. It’ll hold me through the morning. I was tempted to run to Starbucks for coffee but I decided to make this instead. I could have used more water I’m sure. Okay I’m off to do some blog entries then clean! CLEAN! CLEAN!   visit the page

furnishing a Healthy Kitchen   18 y  
my journal for today
My two major purchases for my new home are a Breville Juice Fountain Elite $299 on sale at Macy’s. I got 15% off for opening a Macy’s charge card. I also get a gift card later on because I bought it off my registry. Macy’s actually gave me a credit card and I’m sure it’s because I have a registry there. Anyway, my blender is a Kitchen Aid blender that cost me $99 and I also get a bridal gift card later from that too. They did not have a mandolin. The salesman told me that they don’t carry them anymore because they have too many problems with them breaking. Honest of him to tell me so. It ...   read more

Food, Stress and God's wake up call   18 y  
my divine wake up call
I witnessed a man almost die today. I think he was dead and the cops didn’t want to bag him in front of all of us who were watching. A man had a heart attack behind the wheel and went smashing through my neighbor’s front yard. This is the one day I’m glad I procrastinated in taking Sophie for a walk. I would have never seen him coming from behind if I started out fifteen seconds earlier. My mom said it’s not my time yet. Obviously NOT. Earlier I was tired because I went for my last dress fitting. My wedding dress fit perfectly. It was like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Last wee ...   read more

emotional eating   18 y  
Memorial Day cleaning thoughts
I used to watch Oprah when people would talk about emotional eating. I’ve come to see through the pop psycho BS and stopped watching folks like Dr.Phil give advice about diet. There’s only one person worse than he for diet advice and that’s Andrew Weil, the faux health expert. Anyway, I’m sitting here in my premarital stress meltdown thinking about the role that food has taken on in my life. Why don’t I use exercise and healthy food to help me? That would be better. I am quitting coffee tomorrow, an idea that scares me. Yet, I know I need to do it. I sound like a real drug addict. I fee ...   read more

The AirForce Called It Recycling   18 y  
my renewed committment to raw weight loss
I’m back in rawfood bootcamp. I thought I’d leave. I know I’m leaving myself wide open to uncontrolled eating, weight gain,etc. which is what I don’t want before my wedding. I’ve recycled myself back to the beginning with a renewed committment to raw weightloss and fitness. This food thing is hard but I know I can beat it. Look for a renewed committment from me because it’s time to take myself seriously. If not now, when? After all, it’s not just about weight loss. Now it’s about getting ready for childbearing. I’ll be a nursing assistant in a home which means being on my feet, moving arou ...   read more

Overeating and PMS   18 y  
food thoughts during a woman's moon
Well it seems the only thing I can’t get a hold of is the coffee thing during PMS. I can’t take cacao in the morning because on a near empty stomach it overwhelmes my brain and makes me exhausted. More exhausted than coffee! Anyway, I discovered that to forestall eating in the evening is to have a huge salad when I get home! I made the best salad ever again earlier today. Eventually, I’ll stop being lazy and make my own dressing. I use a tablespoon of Annie’s Naturals or whatever Whole Foodie-type salad dressing that is in the refrigerator with some olive oil. Today I put tahini in the sal ...   read more

Weekend of PMS gluttony   18 y  
weekend food notes
I admit that this weekend I was not in control of my diet. All the running around and not being prepared with any healty foods caused low blood sugar, headaches, arguments with my mother,etc. However, I make it all the way through. I got a tremendous amount of exercise despite eating non-raw and non-healthy. I walked up and down the street in Boro Park, Brooklyn looking for wedding hats with my mom. I have to say that although a corn muffin is non-raw, a kosher corn muffin tastes identical to the corn muffin at the Whole Foods in Manhasset. I had coffee today too and a doughnut but I’m mov ...   read more

Raw for Thirty Days trailer   18 y  
Gabriel Cousens film venture! This looks as exciting as Storm and Jinjee’s Breakthrough movie. I wrote a lot about Breakthrough on my other blog Uncovering the Starchild within.   visit the page

Saturday journal   18 y  
my rawfood journal from the past few days
Yesterday I made the biggest, best tasting salad ever. Yesterday and today are going to be 80% raw days. I’m not going to stress about 100% raw because right now with the wedding coming, I have enough stress. My face is looking awesome and my stomach is looking flatter. One thing that helps is planning my food shopping. My food for three days came to $28. It seems that I’ll not save much money going raw but not buying scones at Starbucks every day with two coffees a day is helping. This time I’m carrying fruit with me when my mother and I go out today. Yesterday evening it was a horror sho ...   read more

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Last Activity: 8 y ago
97 Messages   Last message 9 y ago
142 Comments   Last comment 8 y ago

viewed 606,829 times
Created: 18 y   Apr 08 2006


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Comments (10 of 142):
Re: PMS update jaidynhayd… 8 y
Re: The Fitness Jo… jack2… 8 y
Re: Kitty Litter W… RockG… 9 y
Re: Spending Time … ren 15 y
Re: Spending Time … mo123 15 y
Re: Saturday Journ… ren 15 y
Re: Saturday Journ… kermi… 15 y
Re: Wombs for Rent… ren 17 y
Re: Wombs for Rent… grzbe… 17 y
Re: The dieing com… Ayeha… 17 y
All Comments (142)

Blogs by ren (10):
Uncovering The Starchild With…  18 mon  (390)
Nursing in the Raw  18 mon  (199)
Emerson’s Coffee Bike  6 y  (98)
Heal Thyself/Sacred Woman  3 y  (50)
Ren's Fitness/Starchild Yoga …  14 y  (33)
Trial and Error  9 y  (20)
Wedding Blog (and life therea…  11 y  (19)
Ren's Natural Womb Life  17 y  (13)
My Mother's CaNsEr Journal  3 y  (11)
From Poverty to Riches  3 y  (7)

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