Ren's Holistic Fitness and Life Journal
by ren
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26 week fibroid challenge???   17 y  
my diagnosis of fibroids
Yesterday I went to see my gyno for a pap and he told me I had a fibroid. I got a little bummed out because I secretly wonder if that is why I’ve not been able to lose weight. I wondered how much of my belly is the fibroid. Anyway, I’m putting a self imposed limit on my coffee consumption, regular especially! I’ll be posting about this regularly since I want a flat belly and be able to have children. My mother had surgery to take hers out and they took her womb too :( I worked all weekend and well it was worth it on one hand because it’s extra money. OTOH, I did not get to work out a ...   read more

tues 6/19   17 y  
daily exercise journal
Back and biceps workout I used a cinderblock and then went inside and used a sixty pound barbell set to do my deadlifts. I did three sets of bicep curls then I walked to work. I felt good at work and was able to keep up my pace till I ate some chips with MSG in it. My fault. I should have looked first. Also, I had some soup that probably had MSG in it. MSG makes me feel like I had too much caffeine and makes me feel exhausted. Two thousand milligrams of powdered vitamin c roused me back to life.   visit the page

Breakfast of Champions recipe   17 y
According to modern science, grains that are cooked lose some of their nutrients and enzymes. But they can be soaked for 24 hours, in order to make them more chewable, without destroying any of their health-giving qualities. The grains that Bert uses and the quantities of each in the total mixture are as follows. Please consider ”1 part” as equivalent to 1/2 pound. These items are generally found at a natural food store in the ”bulk” section and it’s best to take these ingredients, mix them all together, and then store the mixture in large ziploc bags. This recipe mixture lasts Ber ...   read more

fitness camp journal 4.20   17 y  
pre-work journal entry
Thank you dear Lord for this day. 1. woke up alive and still on this earth 2. have two feet 3. my eyes still work 4. my mind is in its rightful place 5. my dog is at my side 6. my husband lives another day 7. warm’s already 60 degrees outside 8. Internet 9. books 10. my residents -I didn’t sleep all that well last night so I woke up late. I’m going for a television free weekend. I turned on the television and watched a show called ’Miami Slice’ about plastic surgery. Of course, the women were gorgeous. For some reason I woke up thinking how fat and horrible I ...   read more

fruitarian one's fitness rejuvenation camp   17 y  
thursday 4.19
Two fifteen minute bike sessions upon rising. I stopped to juice a grapefruit in the middle and got some energy from that to bike for fifteen more minutes. Did a little stretching and took a quick cold shower. one slice of Sara Lee wheat toast Smuckers natural pb teaspoon teaspoon of 365 organic maple syrup cup of mom’s natural cereal tea then later I had half cup of coffee...usually I had two cups of coffee but this is when I had access to Trader Joe’s organic coffee. I find that half a cup of schwag folger’s stuff is the equivalent of two cups of organic roast. It’s also ten ti ...   read more

Bud Bolden...another super senior   17 y  
very sweet man and a devotee of the almighty apple cider vinegar   visit the page

morning cardio successes   17 y  
fitness entry
morning cardio successes April 17, 2007 I purchased an exercise bike so I could do cardio on the days when the weather is horrid. Today it’s not bad so I might go for a run before my husband and I go out on the road. I love going to Williamsport because I get a side trip to State College. Reading all the magazines at Barnes and Noble while sipping Starbucks is the highlife. Anyway, I rode for fifteen minutes on my bike. I want to work up to an hour. Exercising on an empty stomach is a bit challenging but I found myself refreshed and ready for the day. I followed up with five minute ...   read more

Today's stuff/RW McBurney America's Oldest Worker   18 y  
today's journal I love this man! LOL Watch the video and then get his book. I purchased a bottle of evening primrose oil. I’m going to take it soon with my womb tea. Oh whenever my period shows up, it shows up. I took two pregnancy tests and both are negative. I don’t feel PMS or pregnant right now, just a fat belly *LOL* What’s the plan today? It’s my day off. Read first then go for a run. It’s been a week. I’m going to focus on bodyweight exercises today. I realised yesterday that I’ve not lifted weights the who ...   read more

OMG...eating out of control???   18 y  
post holiday eating spree wrap up
Not exactly out of control but I’ve been eating more than normal...a lot of cheese and some breads,etc. My period is due. No spotting yet but I had some bitchiness a few days ago and I don’t want my husband’s hand near me. Not eating meat but craving salts and the like. I drank some colon cleanse tea to clear out my bowel and sometimes my period comes down better when I do a colon cleanse tea too. Oh well. I am putting the breaks on the eating and going on the lemonade diet again for as long as is necessary to get control of my eating again.   visit the page

coffee...the ongoing saga   18 y  
brief note about coffee
I had my last cup of regular coffee today. It is impairing my blood pressure and breathing... 100/90 the bottom number is high and I’m getting short of breath. The decaf does nothing to me and the Red Rose tea has never given me a problem. I think that it is a true addiction with me and I don’t know why I like it so much. it’s not the caffeine but the social thing I think. Plus I can’t breathe without my air purifier. I wonder why this is. Anyway, I am not going to coffee anymore because I see how it affects me now. Wonder why now. It could be anxiety too. Either way, I am going to replace ...   read more

TV? No sir and some laughter yoga   18 y  
a brief note
Other than sharing a hilarious comedy clip with my husband, I’ve not watched anythhing television has to offer. I do believe that laughter is the best medicine. Here is a funny clip of a Damon Wayans colon exam. It’s in thai I think. Also here is a linka to Laughter Yoga It is pitiful I have not attended mass in three months. I am going to see if the hospital chaplain can hear my confession. Right now I manage to do five minutes of meditation in the nursing home chapel. When I get up in the morning, I should pray. ...   read more

Television Fast and Self Abuse   18 y  
vent and release time!
I am convinced that television is poisonous to the female self image. I am disturbed at how television can affect me. Hence I’m going on a television fast. Lately I’ve been been feeling not too good about myself, even criticising myself and the way I look. I’ve been stepping on the scale too much too. Maybe it’s because the Influencer of the Negative has inserted into my brain that I have a uterine fibroid and now I have a nagging thought that I might have something wrong with me. My husband’s mother died from colon cancer and part of me thinks the worst and doesn’t even want to discuss my ...   read more

Spotting, Good Third Shift,etc.etc   18 y  
tidbits of my life
Hey I had some spotting, wasn’t red blood. It was brown and darkish looking. I’m adding One Love Womb Tea to my list. It’s been eight months since my last gynae exam. Sometimes I spot and sometimes I don’t. It depends on hard I workout and my emotions and also what I eat. For instance, the last few days were tough emotionally and I drank a little more coffee than usual. Last night I began to bonk out about five in the morn because I purposely didn’t drink a lot of coffee and also because I didn’t eat as much junk. I bought dried figs, oranges and rice cakes. I started getting really tired ...   read more

No going back to conventional cosmetics...   18 y  
Oil of Olay? No way!
I bought Oil of Olay from Walmart last night because it had the least amount of toxic poison stuff in it. Boy this morning I tried it again and I just can’t take the chemical smell. I’m going to return the stuff I used and make my own cosmetics till I can get to Whole Foods. I really should have ordered my stuff from Amazon. Oh well. I’m going to read some of the ’make your own poo’ blogs and see what I can do. I really don’t care to support cosmetics industry that uses so many chemicals. I wrote to Walmart about carrying Nature’s Gate which is a cost friendly organic line. I did find a gr ...   read more

Health is Wealth   18 y  
journal entries and final PMS report
Dec 4 --- I see the definate advantages of working out on a regular basis. I don’t think I could do this job in an out of shape state. Personally, I still consider myself to be out of shape until I lose the extra fat. However, that still puts me ahead of many women my age. Last night, or should I say this morning, one of the girls was so proud of how she was going to get a hysterectomy at 35. I was incredulous. She didn’t know why she was bleeding but she’s going to have her uterus removed at 35 :( Right then and there, it hit home. This is what holistic living is all about. It’s about t ...   read more

Congrats to Jinjee/Comments on her journal entry   18 y  
a brief comment on Jinjee's journal
First off, let me congratulate Jinjee on conceiving her fifth child. This is WONDERFUL. Matzeltov! I’ve been following Jinjee for a long time and have read her ebooks a number of times, picking up something every time. However, I just had to comment on her latest journal entry. I really do commend her for being open and honest. I’m suspicious of any rawfood guru who proclaims to be 100% raw WITHOUT exceptions EVER. I really do think that Jinjee is being way too hard on herself as we women are wont to do a lot of times. A baked potato isn’t the worst thing in the world to eat. She has achie ...   read more

PMS update   18 y  
PMS update, thoughts about toilet paper and organic vs. wallyworld pads
First let me get my PMS update out of the way. I have confirmed that caffeinated coffee affects my period in very negative ways. I’ll be sticking to tea and teeccino from now on. I am convinced the fish/flax oil combo has helped my period in wonderful ways. The blood is redder and not as clumpy looking. I use regular pads from Walmart but I look forward to making my own pads someday. It’s not high on my list. I’ve not seen the financial advantage of getting moonpads or gladrags. I buy organic cotton pantyliners because number one I have some expensive undies and two... I think I need to do ...   read more

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Last Activity: 8 y ago
97 Messages   Last message 9 y ago
142 Comments   Last comment 8 y ago

viewed 606,835 times
Created: 18 y   Apr 08 2006


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Comments (10 of 142):
Re: PMS update jaidynhayd… 8 y
Re: The Fitness Jo… jack2… 8 y
Re: Kitty Litter W… RockG… 9 y
Re: Spending Time … ren 15 y
Re: Spending Time … mo123 15 y
Re: Saturday Journ… ren 15 y
Re: Saturday Journ… kermi… 15 y
Re: Wombs for Rent… ren 17 y
Re: Wombs for Rent… grzbe… 17 y
Re: The dieing com… Ayeha… 17 y
All Comments (142)

Blogs by ren (10):
Uncovering The Starchild With…  18 mon  (390)
Nursing in the Raw  18 mon  (199)
Emerson’s Coffee Bike  6 y  (98)
Heal Thyself/Sacred Woman  3 y  (50)
Ren's Fitness/Starchild Yoga …  14 y  (33)
Trial and Error  9 y  (20)
Wedding Blog (and life therea…  11 y  (19)
Ren's Natural Womb Life  17 y  (13)
My Mother's CaNsEr Journal  3 y  (11)
From Poverty to Riches  3 y  (7)

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