Coalescing For "The High Ideal" & My "Harmonic Convergence" 10 y
17.) As above so below! As within so without!
I’m witnessing a coalescing that I feel occuring inside me now and it is happening now because I have crossed another threshold with my declaration (in the previous post) that Cheeta is my High Ideal!
The timing of this now right on the full ”Blood Moon” Super Lunar Eclipse is truly amazing, awesome and wonderful from my perspective. I literally saw the coalescing in the moon’s face when it was at its pinnacle of eclipse tonight! It all came together right in that very moment and right through my individualized perception!
From my view point (in San Diego, California) the Lunar Spiri ... read more
Cheeta - The Harmonic Convergence of our "Highest Ideal/s"! 10 y
(Post #16) "Coming out" of a "visionary closet" - like attracts like!
May 4, 2024 - Is the full apprehension of genuine authentic community[*] in crisis/opportunity mode now? .........
This Cheeta Blog has been developing a vision for over ten years and now requires the additional voice for a certain ”truth of self” starting with the following:
According to The Human Design System and from additional perspectives this writer’s essential nature is that of a communitarian. His “amazing journey” toward this “truth-of-self, life and others” began with deep seeking as of 1970 (not to say that this true nature didn’t exist for him prior to his seeking it, ... read more
Manifesting Cheeta 10 y
15.) A new activation process has begun with a New Super Moon & Solar Eclipse cycle!
Two nights ago I began a new process devoted to manifesting the first Cheeta Community. Then last night (on the new moon and at the start of my personal ”1 day”) I discovered a new site for numerological descriptions of personal Life Paths:
I felt validated in my Cheeta vision with this part of the description for my Life Path number of 4:
”... you are a builder of society. The cream of the crop in this Life Path can be a master builder in society. If you are among these highly talented people, you have an idealistic nature whic ... read more
Validation for Cheeta 10 y
14.) How to identify and activate your passion.
Did you know that your passion is the leading means for building ”chi”[1] your life-force that moves throughout your whole individual Human matrix? In the long run - passion just might possibly surpass the contribution that even the very best nutrition can give you through the food that you eat! (What a concept!) What you are most deeply passionate about will most likely be things that are long-lasting in your life whereas a meal (even a ”happy meal” ; ~ ) essentially comes and goes within a relatively short period of time. Therefore I am thinking of passion in terms of life-long chi build ... read more
Music as a Foundation For "Transformational Arts" 10 y
13.) According to the Human Design System I have a "deep inner attunement to sound" - it's an attunement that I love to create music with!
October 21, 2020 - The Way We Listen To Music -
”Everybody listens to music, but very few know how to listen to it in order to awaken their spiritual centers...”[24]*
Comment: ”Listening To Awaken” would be a most-fitting class in Cheeta’s music course.
November 6, 2019 -
”...Steiner ... believed that, ’according to Schopenhauer, a blind, unconscious will rules the entire world. It forms the stones, then brings forth plants, the stones, and so on, because it is always discontent. A yearning for the higher thus dwells in everything’ ... He further comments that while ... read more
High Brix Farming and Gardening for Nutrient Dense Food 11 y
12.) The path to Nourishing Traditions originates down on the farm!
”The Work of Carey Reams:
Carey A. Reams (1903-1985) was a man ahead of his time. Trained in
mathematics, biophysics, and biochemistry he made many discoveries in
the fields of human health, plant growth, energetics, animal health, and
soil restoration. These findings were later codified in an overall view
of life and energy known as Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI).
Insect, weed and disease resistance in plants that have a high Brix
reading and are nutrient dense.
High Brix Farming and Gardening -
Nutrient Dense Food
(this is now a popular trend guiding grocery ... read more
Open To Dialogue? 11 y
11.) "The new community"! Without dialogue there is no genuine community.
March 13, 2023 - Continuing with ”The Fundamental Essentials” -
In order for anyone to have all the benefits of: ”The Four Agreements” (mentioned in: ”The Fundamental Essentials” below) they must ”adopt” each of these four agreements. Having read: ”People of The Lie” this blog-writer doesn’t know whether or not all people are individually able to make this adoption - beginning with the first agreement: to be impeccable with your word, to always use your word in the direction of truth and love. He also does not know whether any particular individual can gain this ability to adopt these a ... read more
Art As An Expression of Personal Transmutation 11 y
10.) The mine of "all art".
June 21, 2024 -
”... Artists need to return to the conception of art that was once taught in initiatic schools and produce only works of art that inspire the human soul and help it to find the way back to its celestial homeland.” - Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov[1]*
October 7, 2014 -
Just connected with the following Rilke quote that is burrowing its way into this writer’s psyche:
”Surely all art is the result of one’s having been in danger, of having gone through an experience all the way to the end, where no one can go any further. The further one goes, the more private, t ... read more
"Urine - Rich in 3 Substances That Are Key to Soil Health" 11 y
9.) Time to rethink our relationship with and especially our use of water plus consider new ways that can actually be for the greater good!
IMHO - The next ”frontier” for ”Western Civilization” is a cross the board transformational renewal throughout all of our urban development. This doesn’t mean a like-need is no longer required in rural development and farming communities. Only that the need in the cities has barely been realized - let alone touched upon.
For instance - at least here in California there has been enduring a draught in terms of our rain fall. There is great, growing, pressing need now to rethink our water usage! At the same time it is a great opportunity to make use of rainfall in the cities in new ways th ... read more
A Life-Giving Alliance: Farmer-Chef-Health Practitioner 11 y
8.) Farmers and chefs can have an extraordinary influential on local community health. This truth is the living and life-giving foundation of Cheeta!
A Life-Giving Alliance
The potential that farmers and chefs have to be at the front-line of well being is the living and life-giving foundation of a community vision that I call Cheeta: Culturally Healing ~ Ecologically Enlightening ~ Transformative Arts.
My connection with the Biodynamic Association in America has recently allowed me to receive notification of a new group with a mission, the subject matter of which corresponds with my ”High Ideal” of Cheeta!
The founder - Melissa Greer, D.O. wrote:
”In medical school I learned very little about the role of nutrition in health ... read more
In The Planning Stage For "The Book" 11 y
7.) This book is like life itself - an evolutionary journey that continues to unfold.
June 6, 2018 -
”... In our scientific times, we might say that magic is only taken seriously by children or by the young at heart. But, in order to progress as students of spiritual science we all need ’to become like little children’ in respect to faith in what is possible through ’powers of mind.’ We must be able to dream while fully awake.[8] It is largely toward this awakening of youthful forces in readers to which spiritually valuable and enduring literature addresses itself. Without youthful forces we stagnate in old ways. Only such forces can have a shaping effect on entrenched ... read more
De-conditioning - A Seven Year Process 11 y
6.) Continuing my research, clarifying my focus for writing my book as a manual for personal transformation.
When I first started writing my ”book” it was primarily regarding ”communications”. My original working title was:
”Higher Self Awareness: A Consciousness-Raising Communication Process”. The ”working title” has morphed some however the overall theme hasn’t changed. The book is a handbook for personal transformation and as such it has increased my own self-transformational process for me.
I am identifying additional tools and applications that I use in my transformational work related to communication. The central purpose in the handbook and in my work is for the process that is k ... read more
Got "Real" Soul-Satisfying "Food"? 11 y
Spiritualizing Our Food
August 18, 2018 -
”One of people’s main concerns nowadays is the quality of their food – they seek to eat healthy food. It is of course highly desirable that food should not be contaminated by fertilisers or pesticides, but it is also important to realize that the food prepared by others is permeated with their emanations which are imparted to all who eat it. Chefs, caterers, bakers and all those people who prepare food for their families on a daily basis must know this law. With this knowledge they will then get into the habit of touching food, aware that what they are holding in their ... read more
A "Trilogy" of Your Life! 11 y
4.) In search of a "field" for my book.
Several days ago I began writing my book. It may be possible to present a ”story” about how that came about and I’ll probably work on that for the book’s foreword. Presently I’m on a quest to identify what the main ”field” is for my book. I’ve been looking at ”cultural creative” and now looking at ”integral”.
”... Rudolf Steiner ... used the term integral ... (especially) the integral evolution of man… (that includes) the spiritual essence of man’s being.”[3]
Now reading the foreword to: ”An Esoteric Cosmology” - a lecture by Steiner cited in a footnote at the fullwiki link[3]:
”. ... read more
Toward Self-Sufficient Energy Production 11 y
3.) "Another Kind of Garden - The Methods of Jean Pain"
A course for producing ”large amounts of heat (through) a Compost-Power system ... based on the pioneering work of the non-profit network at and French inventor Jean Pain ... used to create steady base-load heat for domestic hot water, process heat, space-heating or greenhouse-heating ...”:
I was inspired into this direction from this article by the Biodynamic Association:
which m ... read more
Imagine - There Is No Religion! 11 y
2.) A comment inspired by a YouTube comment re: a particular org that calls itself a "church". My intention is to offer understanding. It is my true Joy to give understanding to others, no matter what they may believe!
June 14, 2018 -
”... When the balance within the human psyche is redressed, there will be no need of external religion. Neither will we have a patriarchy nor even a matriarchy — we will have a single stream of consciousness experiencing the true meaning of the word family.
The family unit is the most powerful crucible of love through which humanity will be transformed. ...”[5]
May 31, 2014 -
It is becoming more understandable to me(1) that individuals can have varying abilities for ”dealing with” doubt and especially in regards to the ability to truly manage the pre ... read more
New Moon Cycle-Good Time For A New Seed Dream! 11 y
1.) Day One of an incubation of a new seed dream!
September 15, 2020 - Plato -
”The beginning is the most important part of the work.” - Plato
This Blog-writer knows his ”Human Design” well enough to recognize the eternal truth of the above quote that is attributed to Plato. The beginning of anything is a seed and the beginning of any seed is a seed dream. A seed dream for anything to do with the evolution of humanity (as we are evolving now into a new ”species” that is more harmonious with our Mother Earth) deserves to have a full gestation cycle of at least seven years in order to allow for sufficient de-conditioni ... read more