Blog: Cheeta: Cultivate Healing Environments - Enlighten Thru Arts!
by Chef JeM

Manifesting Cheeta

15.) A new activation process has begun with a New Super Moon & Solar Eclipse cycle!

Date:   3/20/2015 8:00:55 PM   ( 10 y ) ... viewed 1420 times

Two nights ago I began a new process devoted to manifesting the first Cheeta Community. Then last night (on the new moon and at the start of my personal "1 day") I discovered a new site for numerological descriptions of personal Life Paths:

I felt validated in my Cheeta vision with this part of the description for my Life Path number of 4:

"... you are a builder of society. The cream of the crop in this Life Path can be a master builder in society. If you are among these highly talented people, you have an idealistic nature which is grounded in practical terms, allowing you to conceive grandiose, far-reaching schemes and carry them through to the end.

- See more at:"

I was so impressed with these descriptions that I intend to include these Life Path descriptions in my introductory readings with individuals.

All of this coming from my intention and my choice to manifest the "grandiose, far-reaching" vision that I have for the first Cheeta Community.

The new process that I am now taking for the manifestation Cheeta is activated with three Reiki symbols applied to the manifestation goal of Cheeta. This is absolutely perfect as the heart of Cheeta is essentially all about what Reiki is! For several years I have been envisioning[1] a Community Supported Kitchen (CSK)[2] as a training center that includes each and every the co-worker having their own Reiki activation. This is a perfect environment for the applications of Reiki based on all the hands-on work that the kitchen requires plus the fact that this CSK is wholly devoted to food-as-medicine!


April 26, 2015 -

First as a follow-up to the above posting I'm happy to say that I have been applying the Reiki treatments to Cheeta every day since that post! Reiki Cheeta!

I'm inspired now in reading the teaching of Omraam to offer an additional characterization of Cheeta. It is a sacred environment that is dedicated to protecting the sanctity of the child and all her relationships with life. -

"... we have something else in us which is delicate and tender and needs protection.":

July 31, 2015 -

Continued my treatments for Cheeta each and every day as (or about) March 18th. Looking forward to the coming new moon on August 14th as I will start some new additional treatments then.

I'm intending to "work each New Moon–and manifest (my) goals in bite-sized chunks (with) Small efforts in the right direction ...!"[3]


[1] Envisioning is also a most significant aspect of my own Human Design configuration.



manifesting, Cheeta Community, Life Path, master builder in society, idealistic, intention, visioning, Reiki, Community Supported Kitchen, food as medicine, children

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