journal of my 30 day juice fast
by ausjulie
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things are great again   18 y  
short post just to let you know how im doing
i am so relieved i am feeling strong and healthy again. thanks for the many comments advice and well wishes. i have not fasted this week, still running and walking everyday. im off the scales too. thank goodness. it was really doing my head in. i would say i havenet lost any weight but havent put any on either. i eat mostly raw all day and then a light meal at nite which is great. soe days i skip the meal and just stay raw but no pressure. no fat or dairy so the gallbladder situation is well under control. hubby home too which is really what i needed. so 6 more sleeps and off to the land d ...   read more

just when i thought i was in control   18 y  
bit of a step backwards...but its not too bad
out pops its nasty head emotional eating. combination of things lead to it but basically i lost control. last nite i binged. not so much that what i ate was bad it was more the manner in which i ate. i couldnt get it into my mouth quick enough. i scoffed down so much fruit i nearly burst and it was straight out of the grocery bag i didnt even make it to the car. this was a regular occurence BF (before fast) but this is the first time in close to 6 months i have doen anythign remotely liek this. then i got home and craved beer and peanuts well i sculled two beers and two huge handfulls of r ...   read more

more on my lessons learnt   18 y  
my lessons that i need to remind myself about all the time as i move into the post...! ha!
i posted a few days ago (or was that weeks) about lessons learnt but did not have the time to expand. this is an important step for me becasue i am in full swing of trying to maintain the weight ive lost, continue the exercise but still enjoy my life and find the balance. so here i go: 1. i have really learnt from the juice fast and subsequent fasting and raw food eating that i do not need near as much food as i thought. i dont even think i need as much variety as what i thought. i think maybe my stomach has shrunken or maybe im just so much more aware of what i am putting in my mouth i j ...   read more

13 weeks post fast   18 y  
the good and the bad news
well i have some good things and some not so good things to report. first good thing is i managed to lock the scales away and stay off them for two weeks. i was meant to stay off until the end of may but (adb this is the bad news) i gave in and weighed myself three days ago. and now im right back there weighing myself daily so again the scales have to get locked away..... and for a long time. it felt so good to not weight myself and im not really sure why i went back to it. i was just curious. my husband came home after three weeks away and couldnt believe the wieght loss so i wanted to kn ...   read more

lessons learnt   18 y  
need to type this now while in my head but dont have time to explain.
what i have learned in last 4 months: 1. definately dont need as much food as we think - very important..we so overeat! 2. exercise is crucial to lifestyle change and must be routine 3. the more bad stuff you put in your body the more bad stuff you want visa versa 4. its ok (and i think important) to indulge in some cravings but have to limit 5. its ok to be hungry it is just another feeling you can learn to accept 6. water water water 7. you gotta poo! 8. goals are set them so you can achieve...then keep changing them as you evolve 9. fasting is a tool you can ...   read more

11 weeks post fast   18 y  
getting there!
4 pounds gone since last week so now up to a total of 49 pounds lost. i feel amazing like a totally different person. i still have some to go but so proud of myself for the nearly 50 and total lifestyle changes and im sure the reamainding 10 will come off. i wanted it gone by my birthday which is in 3 weeks but im not putting pressure on myself if its gone its gone if not im sure it will soon after. the 4 pounds is due mainly to lots of juicing and pretty much raw the rest of the time. from wednesday last week i juiced wed, thurs, raw friday, one cooked meal saturday nite, raw sunday and ...   read more

10 weeks post fast   18 y  
long post lots to say!
i didnt post last week - but good news is i am 4 pounds lighter than two weeks ago. i have now lost a total of 45 pounds and i must say i am quite pleased with myself. only 15 more to go to goal weight but i am constantly rethinking the whole goal weight thing?????still not sure where i stand with that. numbers have been running thru my head a lot lately. what number do i weight how tall am i what is my BMI number. what size clothing am i. i wonder what size that person is what size was i 10 years ago!!!!! on and on.... i am startign to think the whole thing is just bulls#@*%t. i saw an ...   read more

8 weeks post fast   18 y  
here goes the boobs! ha!
3 pounds gone this week i am finally in the 150’s. nice to see the 60’s disappear. total weight loss is 41 pounds. 24 from the 30 day juice fast and 17 in the last 8 weeks. today i took my measuremetns and the only place i lost any size this week was the chest. now i have got to explain. while i was overweight the one thing i did like was my boobs. i was a C cup which for me is the biggest ive ever been. i am a B at best and when i am at my ideal weight closer to a A. so i was enjoying the larger size breast (and i think my husband was too!ha!) well now they are slowly disappearing. i woul ...   read more

7 weeks post fast   18 y  
whats the problem with protein?????
i really felt like this week i reached a new level with my wieght loss. another 2 pounds gone which has been my steady loss since the fast. but the exciting thing is i can fit into my jeans that i wanted too and a dress that i have not been able to wear for 8 years. i have carried this dress literally half way around the world knowing it didnt fit me but i always wanted to get back into it. they both are quite tight and still more work to do but it finally feels like i am gettign close to my goal. im beginning to think maybe i need to forget about the scales when it comes to my goal weight ...   read more

6 weeks post fast   18 y  
life is moving along
another 2 pounds gone this week. i was expecting a little more (due to fast) but i was still quite happy because i lost an inch off my hips and half off my thigh...these are my problem areas. i have now lost 36 pounds and have 24 to go till goal weight. since the end of my 30 day fast i have lost 11.5 pounds in 6 weeks. if i keep up the weight loss at this rate i will be at my goal weigh in 12 weeks. i can cope with that. may not make my birthday but that is ok. better to be sensible than unrealistic goals. i fasted only for three days last week. unfortuanatley i was not able to convinc ...   read more

a day to remember   18 y  
mmmmm not sure how this will be taken but here it is!
today is march 19. im not sure of what this date means to many but for me it is a day filled with mixed emotions. it was three years ago today that i left my home country to come to america. that in itself has significance. but also today marks the first day of the iraq war. 3 years of war. quite unbelievable.....but today of all days i went to a public pool to swim and have fun with my kids. and i met a man who was there with his kids. a nice man who chatted to me about kids stuff. after some idle chat i discovered he is an american soldier. he has been to iraq three times already and abo ...   read more

5 weeks post fast   18 y  
or should i say day 2 of new fast???????????
i lost another 2 pound this week which i am happy about. yesterday i decided to juice for the day just to see how it went, well today i have done the same again. so now im wondering should i just keep going and start the second fast or what?? well im not sure my dilema is this: i feel like i am developing a really good relationship with food and consumption in general, my last post really reminds me of this. i dont want to lose site of this important step but i knew i had it in me because really most of my life i was like this - its just the last 6 years and particularly last 3 i have real ...   read more

a glimpse at having it all   18 y  
im feelign rather chipper so i thought id share
i just wanted to post today because i had this amazing feeling while i went for a run tonite what life is like when you are in control. my week has been a little crazy due to spring break hence a bit more holiday type activity going on which i did participate in. but i ate really well and limited my alcohol intake adn i ran 6 days. i use to look at peolpe running and think man i wish i could be that motivated. well i realised tonite i am that motivated. this is what my weekend looked like - i water fasted on friday ran that night then saturday i juiced and raw, went for a run then went ...   read more

4 weeks post fast   18 y  
time to fast again?
this week i lost 3 pounds. so that is a loss of 7 pounds since the fast and 32 pounds all together. still mainly raw although i am eating a little more cooked food like fish and i had my first peace of bbq steak- yummy. i am craving protein. last weekend i made a big mistake and ate too much steamed chinese greeen veggies - well i think it was this - and i was sick as a dog. i think i went into major detox felt like death warmed up and then was on the toilet most of the afternoon. it was rather interesting what came out of me though i hitnk i may have passed some of that black tuff stuff. ...   read more

3 weeks post fast   18 y  
you gotta dream
i have lost 1.5 pounds this week. that is a total of 4.5 pounds since the juice fast ended adn total of 29 pounds. my measurements moved down very slightly but at least they moved. i feel like i am still working really hard to achieve a small weight loss but at least it is a loss. runnign or walking everyday and trying to increase the distance. water intake is not great but not dismal either. BM’s are good on days i go raw or really close to it but on other days they slow down too. probably because this week i ate a few things different. my main foods are still raw. salads and fruits. i ha ...   read more

2 weeks post fast   18 y  
why wont this weight disappear?
today was weigh in day, i have lost only 1 pound since last week. yes still going down but 1 pound man that is slow. worse still no movement on the tape measure (except half inch in upper arm). i weighed myself on sunday and i was 1.5 pounds lighter than i am today(wednesday) - so i have put on weight in three days. damn. im not sure why it is i really dont feel like i have eaten enought to warrant this. i finished the oxypowder cleanse. i have mixed feelings about it. by far it is the best stuff i have taken in regards to laxatives and when i start fasting again i will be usign this. i ...   read more

1 week post fast   18 y  
5th day oxy powder
well this morning i have weighed myself and i have lost 2 pounds since last week. which is not great but not too bad. i am glad it is going down and not up but i still have 30 pounds to lose and at the rate of 2 pounds per week it will take forever. so here is the plan i am going to try to stay around 80% raw until after spring break which is in early march. i am still exercising each day adn i want to see what my weight loss is like then. that will be nearly one month post fast. if i am still progressing at 2 pound per week i think i will go back on the juice to lose the rest of the weigh ...   read more

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i am day 4 into my juice fast. i hve been reading others blogs and decided today to start my own more...

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Created: 18 y   Jan 12 2006


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Comments (10 of 165):
Re: Day 15& 15 ausjulie 14 y
Re: Day 15& 15 LeannaM 14 y
Re: Day 2 ausjulie 14 y
Re: Day 2 Ingi 15 y
Re: Day 17 ausjulie 15 y
Re: Day 17 rawrnr 15 y
Re: day 3 post fast L1724 15 y
Re: day 7 optimism1 16 y
Re: Day 17 b2reflect 16 y
Re: Day 14 mirandalise 16 y
All Comments (165)

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