A sound Cleansing Schedule by Tracey ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 6/7/2003 2:13:38 PM ( 22 y ago)
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Hi Vickle! I'm glad you're committed to getting your body back into balance and happy!
Definitely read the articles mentioned at The Doctor Within site - I think that'll keep you on track and inspire you.
There isn't really one way to do the cleanses but the following schedule seems like a good one. You can do a variation if you'd like, of course!
*I just realized you posted on the Fasting Forum - so you're probably interested in doing the MC, right? If yes, you can easily do the MC, Bowel Cleanse and parasite cleanse all together at the same time. If you feel that's too much for you then just do the Master-Cleanse and Bowel Cleanse...then follow the rest of the points below - as a rough outline. Hope this helps!*
1. Start a bowel cleanse. Do this for at least 30 days straight. All the while, eating well, drinking lots of water and doing some sort of enjoyable exercise (whatever it is you like to do: dance, run, walks, bicycle, swim...) Also try to bring the Mind, Body, and Spirit into balance. True Work (your cleansing?), Play, Rest, Study. Make sure you do all those things!
2. After the Bowel Cleanse has been going on for a month. Do a parasite Cleanse. It makes sense to clean out the bowels first (the parasites livingrooms!) then go after them - if you have them. You may be surprised. Lots of people just do the parasite cleanse because you're supposed to before Liver Flushing - then are shocked and amazed when they find they actually DO have parasites! It's a good thing to do. You can stop the Bowel Cleanse or continue with it. Some people find it hard to schedule the parasite cleanse AND the bowel cleanse (both need to be taken on an empty stomach) - but if you can continue with at least one dose of either Holistic Horizons or B&P while parasite cleansing that'll keep the bowel cleanse going but won't interfere too much with the parasite cleanse scheduling!
3. After 15 days of parasite cleansing you can do your first Liver Flush. One of the most important things with a Liver Flush is to be totally hydrated the day before and the day of the Liver Flush - then the day after too. The Epsom Salts are dehydrating. If you're open to Colonics....colonics are suggested the day after the Liver Flush just to make sure all the toxic stuff is outta there.
4. Continue with the parasite cleanse for another 15 days (at least 30 days in a row is recommended because lots of people don't see any critters until the very end. If you actually DO see parasites in your poo then, of course, extend the parasite cleanse until you get 'em all!
5. Do another liver flush! You can continue doing Liver Flushes every 2 or 3 weeks.
6. You can continue your first bowel cleanse for up to 6 months! I only did 50 Days of b&p's...and sure did notice how I went from getting LOTS of mucoid plaque out in big long ropes to getting teeny tiny detailed frond-like branch stuff out at the very end. I'm sure there's more in me but I'll wait and do another cleanse at the end of the summer, I think.
It's important to have period of Rebuilding after periods of Cleansing!
While cleansing it's very positive to imagine cleansing ALL the old stuff out that is no longer needed. All the old emotions from the past that have been stored in the body. Release it all and clear it out! Make way for the New!
Good Health to you!!
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