We are extremely SMALL fish in a huge pond. The commercial and those that make big $$$$$ draw the most attention. The School of Natural Healing teaches that the FDA is using the FTC to strong hand the herbalist in the USA and that EVERYONE that says a herb cures anything or does not follow every rule, will all someday be busted, he believes the FTC is allowing everyone allot of freedom so they can come down and sweep the Nation clean in the manner of a huge drug bust. When authors of herb books are listed International as a Security RISK in the USA, you know the time is coming for all.
I see herbs as nothing but nutritional supplements while others sell them as cures, herbas cure nothing, it is the blood that cures and the herbs are aids. The ones that promote herbs like a drug in the treatment of diseases cause the most waves and draws the most attention from the FTC and FDA. The more stupid the herbalist, the less attention, (we hope).