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Re: MH Opinion on Salt Water Flush +India and Salty writing.
CharuKrsnaDasa Views: 2,437
Published: 20 y
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Re: MH Opinion on Salt Water Flush +India and Salty writing.

Alex Jones does address some of those issues quite well.. almost straight out a horror novel.

So much for the forgive and forget and move on .. the hijacked governments are being overun by demoniac forces. And going in with guns ablazing is not the answer in this day and age. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu gave the new remedy for slaying the wicked and developing dormant love of God into traanscendental bliss, bliss of such varieties that all Jivas (souls) hanker for it and little do they know it is right in front of them the whole time.. it's just a matter of letting go of the false ego and embracing the real ego in realtionship to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

The 35,000 figure for gwvets is an a small piece. and the dieing part is not nearly as bad as how much the suffered and were degraded as human beings before transmigrating to another body. I've experienced first hand because I was there. It's no roller coaster ride, for sure. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, even the sick bastards who started it.. though Yamaraja has a place for them to atone, and there is no phone their for them to call their liars (lawyers).

bye the way the prepaycell phoneare notentirely documentable yet. more freedom tospeak on them.
Ohm Nitai Gaura Haribol captain Joyce Riley has some very accurate information on gwvets. I can't help but recall sitting at a bus stop in Germany, heidelburg military hospital. One on the mothers started telling me about all the sick people from the war. One young recruit send his washed fatigues home and the baby developed gane green and died. Apparently the new hybrid designer killing bug has shell wall that can let it lay dormant for upto 7 years. has an assortment of data on mycoplasm incognitus and other hybrid bugs.

One day I will walk into the lions den and give the beast prasadam (holy food).


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