So, 1) how can I find a good chiropractor in my area? (Portland, OR) 2) I have a shorter leg, by like 14 mms. My old chiro in CA kept on telling me to come in every month for an adjustment, and it did work to an extent, but didn't really ever help keep my back from twisting up two weeks later due to the leg. It causes a lot of problems, really. (Constipation, inability to excersize, lower back pain, etc) I didn't really want to be locked into a lifetime of chiro every month...I'm not sure if they did anything for the leg but pull it out. I have a lift in my shoe, that's okay, but I'm all twisted again from moving away from my chiro, and I don't know how to find a good one where I live.
I dunno...any thoughts ? Maybe there isn't much that can be done for a congenital defect like that.
THanks, peace!