Re: Andy 2 - how much grass are you growing?
Thanks for addressing me to this forum.
I'm still new in wg. But so far, is good.
4oz of seeds is in average rendering 8 to 10
oz of juice.
I get the seeds from a local sprouting company, who also sell the soil. The soil I'm using is regular garden soil. (I haven't seen perlite yet).
The juicer is an Omega 8005.
I'm cutting the grass between 4 to 6 in, and is taking 3 days in sprouting.
The trays, are regular cafeteria trays. (This was suggested by the sprouting company). (one kilogram of seeds costs 6 bucks). 30 liters of soil : 15 bucks
I pour the seeds over one tray and above it, the second tray. I leave it like this until the grass starts to lift the upper tray. Then, I move it under the light.
I'm having trouble with the humidity. I live in an apartment, and the humidity % is very low. I keep playing with humidifiers, but I guess I'll have to get a water fountain or something like that, not only for the wg, but also for us. (any suggestions?). Also, I may get one plastic cover to create sometype of minigreenhouse.
Something else: I measured the electromagnetic field around the lights, and it was extremely high. Perhaps that was the reason the grass was buckling to the sides (trying to avoid the magnetism?)...anyway, I opened the fixtures and placed the ballasts on the floor. Now, the electromag. field is in an acceptable range. I'm sure this may affect the grass.
I'm looking forward to learning about your growing techniques...