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Re: Tranquilizers
Espen Views: 2,506
Published: 23 y
This is a reply to # 9,858

Re: Tranquilizers

>What do you recommend? Is there something specifically for us O's?


Avoid all Sugar and all processed foods 4 weeks before exam...
Almost cave man diet.

Double your physical activity! Very important.
If nothing, walk for several hours!

Make sure salt you are using is unrefined.
Eat only foods that you know ingredients ... make all foods the from scratch.

Start meditating and telling to yourself that everything will be OK!

You have to program yourself. You have to go through that music exam in your mind.
Imagine all the professors in front of you. Take your friends/family and play for them.

You have to imagine everything, and go through everything several times.

Take your friends, and play for them.
Imagine that they are professors ...
You have to face your fear! Only by facing your fear again and again, you will win.

Try bungi jumping -ultimate adrenalin rush. If you are able to win over the fear of height, you will be less likely to be afraid of professors ...

And you have to make your kidneys and adrenal glands strong, to support you, by taking care on what you are eating!

NO SUGAR! No refined salt!

Sugar & refined salt are enemies of kidneys and adrenal glands!

Good luck!

Face your fear!


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