I have something thats really eating me up. A few months back i cheated on my girlfriend of a year and half, before tahn we were best friends for 3 years. I love her with all my heart and want we back desperetly. I got clymydia form the person i cheated on her with and gave it to my girlfriend. I got sick and went to the Doctor, i told my girlfriend i had some kind of bacteria infection which was true i was first diagnosed with NGU which you can get non sexually. So she went to herr Doctor too and tested positive for clymydia. After that there was nothing more to say and had to tell her. We have since broken up but still talk everyday. She says she loves me but could never be with me after what i did. I love her to death and im really not the kind of person that i may sound like. I have always been faithful before, i got drunk and stupid and hardly remeber what happend. I dont want to be that kind of person and i want to treat Amber the way she serves and make her happy. She says she needs space and im not really giving it to her she wants us to be friends and things to go back to the way they were before we were together. I cant just be her friend i cry and feel like shit everyday and this feeling never goes away. What should i do? Is it possible she could ever want me again? How do i get her back? I think giving her space is just going to make her forget about me but at the same time im pushing her farther away. I love this grl to death and want to marry her and be with her forever, ill do whatever it takes to get her back please someone help.