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Completed 3rd MC
kelltl Views: 1,274
Published: 21 y

Completed 3rd MC

I just completed my 3rd Master-Cleanse and went 8 days and spent my 9th drinking OJ and the lemondade before a nice soup for dinner. I have a few questions for those of you that have done it more than me.

I did not have much of anything come out except the liquid after the first couple of days. Does that mean that I am getting pretty well cleaned out?

My energy was so low during the first fast, my cravings were off the chart, my weight loss was higher, my symptoms relief for my allergies and red eyes was greater. Basically each fast has gotten easier and provided less relief to my allergies although I would say my allergies are not as bad in general. Any comments on why this change as I have done more fasts? There was 6 months between each fast.

What is the BEST way to repopulate the good bacteria/flora in my body after the fast?

On a different note than all the quetions, I want to comment to all of you that are just starting or thinking of starting the Master Cleanse. Try it. What do you have to lose other than intake of unhealth food? Isn't a few days of trying something new or unconventional worth the possible benefits? I was very skeptical and faced a lot of oposition to doing the Master-Cleanse the first time....people thought I was crazy! The bottom line is it was hard the first time but changing your direction often is. But I cured my prostatitis and have not had one reoccurance of the symptoms in a full year (I have also done 8-9 liver flushes). My allergies are better somewhat, but I do know that I have a long ways to go on this journey. The main point is I would not be where I am if I sat on the sidelines and did not give it a try.


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