Oh, I love your success stories!
You inspire me, all of you!
And each of you mentions some point that 'resonates' with me. They seem like clues.
I weighed this a.m. and I'm down about 45 pounds...in the last couple of years. This came from improving what I have always thought of as a 'good' diet.
Out of a life-long nearly vegetarian lifestyle, I dropped a lot of starch, almost all added sugars, mayonaisse (sp?), and most of the junk oils. The exceptions are when my husband occasionally brings home store-bought muffins/pie/etc., and when we go out for Chinese smorg.
But, even the exceptions are becoming fewer and farther between.
I mention food intake, because I see a possible connection between health/diet care, self-esteem, and your ability to shake off the you-know-what in your success stories.
When I cut way down for a couple of days, I told myself I would just lie down whenever I felt like it. (Grin.) (Uh...we are sort of retired.)
A few times I've been caught without my home-mades on a car trip. So I just go to sleep.
Funny thing! I don't smoke when I'm asleep! Nor do I over-eat!
Some say that people can 'quit' thirty times before it sticks. Last time was #29, I'm sure.
Thank you so much Frenchfri, 62173, Bcal, and Jordysyd.
I needed to hear your successes.
Bless you all.