Re: How is your MCS now?
Now that I think about it, it was around for a few years. Sometimes when I used to clean the bathroom with comet cleanser I would get the slightest brain fog. It would go away and i would think nothing of it. When I switched to another cleznser everything was ok.
Last year at work a coworker used a enormous amount of pure bleach in the bathroom. It was so bad that half the place stunk. Me being extra caustiousby by nature descided to go downstairs because I have always been leery of strong smells. After a little while I had to get something from my desk, I walked past this area and I felt the strong smell hit me in the face. I went back downstairs but the damage was done.
The next day I felt alot of brain fog, eye problems, a headache in the center of my forehead. I suspected it was the bleach but then I was also at the computer all day. Perhaps my glasses needed to be changed. I noticed immediately that my vision did change so I changed my glasses.Felt a little better after a while. After a few months the carpet was cleaned, another strong smell and that was the deal breaker.
I suffer from moderate headaches, very sleepy, fatigue, eye problems. I was dx with thyroid goiters,MCS, uterine fibroids all within 1-2 years. I said to myself "wait a minute here, why is all this happening all of a sudden?" So I took matters into my own hands and here I am.
All the info I came across before finding this site shows MCS as a life sentence where you will get progressively worse and have to get used to it. At first I was pretty disheartened, but then I refused to accept that.
I too believe that
Liver-Flush will help me alot. At first I was too eager to get rid of my problems and was doing too much at once. I know I have to do all this slowly, consistently and thoroughly. I also have candida and will have to address that too. People think I am neurotic when I mention
Liver Flushes to them, but I am not gonna let what people think influence what I do.