Please babble on, I appreciate the input. I have been doing BC before and after each flush. I usually feel bad right after a cleanse until I do the enemas.
This AM I woke up feeling a little fluish so I took a shock protocol that my alternative Dr recommends. It is 2 capsules of devils claw, 2 capsules of goldenseal and echinacea and one moducare. You take them an hour between meals each way for 3 hours. Like breakfast then wait one hour take first set of 5 supplements, one hour later take another dose of each, last hour take final dose for the day. Wait at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything. Do this every day for at least a week to kill off bacteria roaming through your body. You can do it longer if you want. Sometimes he would tell me to do it every day until I had taken all the supplements in the bottles.
How many days are you supposed to do the enemas?
I ordered Andreas book, but it won't be here for a couple of weeks.