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Re: has anyone lost weight after flush
rotgut Views: 1,747
Published: 21 y
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Re: has anyone lost weight after flush

The pain you describe sounds like gall stones; they are very typical in women as they get older, especially after having children.

I lost about 5-8 pounds after I did my first flush, and about another 5-7 pounds in the following weeks. A large part of this was attributable to the fast just prior to and a day or two after doing the flush. It took me a day or two for my GI tract to handle food property. I also have changed my diet fairly significantly since doing the flush. What comes out of you really makes you reevaluate your life style.

First and foremost, heavily restrict your consumption of refined flour and Sugar and related products; you might as well be eating cement. I personally believe this stuff is horrible for you; you put on weight from eating these products because they're screwing up the important metabolic processes of the GI organs. Think of it like this - it's not just fat that your body puts on as a result of eating it, you're actually breaking your vital organs. Also, it's easy enough to substitute this processed crap with very healthy alternatives. Give your body the nutrition that it needs.

You should check with your doctor to see if you have large calcified gall stones - have an abdominal ultrasound. You might also want to try taking lecithin supplements for a while; these should help the pain after a week or two if it's actually gall stones. I wouldn't rush into doing the flush without doing the proper "prep work" first. Read as much information on this site as you can before doing anything, and follow directions carefully.

A note on the Clark protocol; the Epsom Salts can be rough. I would personally suggest drinking a lot of organic apple juice for a week, per the recommendations on this site, to soften your stones, then following Fernando's modified flush (1 dose of Epsom Salts , olive oil and grape fruit juice, followed by a salt water flush in the morning). And be prepared; you never know how the flush will hit you - and you don't want throw anything to chance, especially with 6 kids around.




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