has anyone lost weight after flush
I have read that if your gallbladder is full of stones it can cause you to release insulin all the time and become insulin resistant because it irrititates the pancreas
I can only eat protien to loose weight i even have a insulin response to lettuce the doc said that was a lie
I can tell i feel so good on low carb but lately my yeast is up and i can't resist the cravings, the
coffee enema helped some and made me feel lots better and relieved some of the bloating i get after supper.
My right side hirts so much only back though (was tested for
kidney stone "clear") i can't sleep on my left side have to sleep on the side that hurts.'
Little scared of the flush'
will do tonite or tomorrow for sure
I have 6 kids 2 are twins so maby stones are the problem with me after all these years
any help would be great