Re: People with clean pipes seem happier and talk more.
I HAVE THE ANSWER.. (hehe, I'll probably get lots of hate mail now).
(1). ITS A "WOMEN THING".. Most people on this forum are female.. It is within their nature 'to talk, share, and express themselves.
(2) Because a lengthy conversation about what color, size, shape and the extent of one's bowel movemenet isn't exactly the 'topic of conversation' over lunch, this leads to a great deal of pent up excitment and frustration.
(3) Unless these REPRESSED emotions are expressed somewhere, you will probably suffer and be forced to spend more time at the refrigerator eating your frustration, Hence, it is necessary to 'talk about' these things to stay slim and trim.
(4) if you didn't express your feelings here, you would probably drive your husbands crazy with your need to talk to somebody about 'your successes' at going to the bathroom (yes, most children at 3-4 get ALL EXCITED that 'they made poo'. Since most men probably would not find this 'stimulating conversation'... they may have to spend more time in the bar...hence it would lead to an increase in alcoholism.
(5) Since these discussions don't exactly make you sound 'sexy', many men might loss interest and want a divorce...then you would have to go to the other forum on relationships and divorce.
SO OF COURSE ITS PERFECTLY NATURAL AND NECESSARY TO TALK ABOUT YOUR POOP.. hehe... Other wise you would be responsible for most of the problems in your relationships resulting in alcoholism, divoce, marital, sexual and emotional difficulty.. HEHE LOL ROFL> THAT iw why they say: "Get Your S**T Together".