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Which one to choose? Colosan or Oxy-Powder?
Aurora411 Views: 22,812
Published: 18 y

Which one to choose? Colosan or Oxy-Powder?

I'm not sure but I'm leaning on Colosan, because it seems much cheaper and I'm already drinking lemon juice(MC).

A variety of Colosan are available in different packages with confusing names and I'm wondering if they are all the same. Is powdered Colosan the same as in capsules?

I'm new to bowel cleanse. I've been struggling with paralyzing Depression and CFS, ADHD along with many sub-clinical degree issues for a long time. I finally managed to remove all Amalgams last Feb. and I've been dealing with cleanse/detox issues ever since.

I was about to start parasite cleanse but I read that no cleanses can be really successful unless your colon is working properly. I think my colon is seriously impacted, and it has been that way for a long time. Currently I am not seriously constipated (thanks to drinking lemon juice everyday in the morning), but I can feel something really hard and broad like some kind of dish, deep in my belly. I think it is the impacted fecal matter.

I thought of PB shakes, but I read Andreas' forum and he does not recommend PB shakes for Vata type.

I'd appreciated any comparisons or insights in regard to how to choose which, especially from those who tried both Colosan and Oxypowder . Also will appreciate any posts about incorporating Colosan(or Oxypowder ) with Master-Cleanse + cayenne.

Many thanks to all the CZ members for all their sharing. My life started changing for the better since I found CZ.



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