Re: I have seen worm maggots on raspberries.
Only food that is extremely poor taste for us, like
Wormwood ,
Black-Walnut hull, garlic, onion, cayenne, cloves, etc ... may be enough to push intestinal
parasites out.
Interesting perspective! I have been learning more through different workshops and books I've been studying about Yin and Yang-- it's meaning.
From this really good workshop I went to last Sunday, Yin and Yang stands for both dark and light-- how we need both for balance.
I would compare foods that don't appeal to our taste buds with the black part of the Yin Yang symbol (Yin) We need the unpleasant tasting things to help create balance in the body and to help purify and cleanse it for Wholeness.
This can also be applied spiritually. We need the not so nice experiences in our life to help us achieve a higher spiritual growth. Same with being corrected or rebuked for something we did wrong. It isn't pleasant, but it helps mature and ground us emotionally.
So it's interesting to see how this Yin and Yang truth even applies to
parasite cleansing! We need balance for health of both the pleasant and not so pleasant for perfect balance.