I'm Cured, Heres my story
First thing is to understand what I had to see if maybe your dealing with the same issues that brought about my condition?
Lets start with I was about 35 when I first started having problems. I am 48 now. My problems went on for about 10 or so years. I feel what set them off was lots of stress then a broken leg and
Antibiotics all in about a years time. About six months after the broken leg I had an eggplant sandwich from a deli. Within a couple hours I was on to having my first reaction. I went flush, broke out in hives and rash over about 30% of my body. Went back to the doctor and all he said about it was to eat healthy. Well we all know that that doesn’t work so well if one really does have a candida imbalance. So like so many others on this forum not knowing why,, I found out that many things set off my reactions. My symptoms were hives, tingling itchy, swollen joints that would inflame and itch, swollen lips and tounge, always feeling like I was in a fog. So pretty much for about 7 years I was fighting a losing battle not knowing what I had and how to fight it. So I was at the health food store one day looking for something to help with the symptoms and just by chance the owner of the store asked me the most important question of all. He asked if I had been taking
Antibiotics . Then in that moment I saw the light for the first time in years. I read up on candida and it all clicked with how and why I had it. Divorce, having to relocate, all the divorce issues that would come from having it all and now starting all over again (Stress). Then compounded by a broken leg and
Antibiotics . Bam, here it was. The why I was looking for. Right in front of me. Now heres where the fun begins. The battle. I did what everyone that has struck out is doing now. Nothing worked. I understood what I had but could not find a solution. Even going back to a couple different doctors didn’t help. Well that is only one time I did get relief for a few months. A lady doctor gave me dyflucan. I was great for about 5 months. But still not understanding I must not of reintroduced the good bacteria because I ended up worse than I started. So here I am again. Eating lots of salads. Being real careful on the choices I make to consume.
So one day I finally went to see a holistic doctor. He did that muscle test where he puts things up to your belly button and pushes down on the arm. One thing actually did not make me weak. It was Oregano. So he gave me 90 pill jar and also a jar of Yeast Defence. He said to take a couple each 3 times a day for about a month. Well I did that and tripled it after a few days. Also I had some MSM and some virgin coconut oil I would melt a spoon of cocnut oil and mix a little MSM and add a little 35% hydrogen peroxide and swig it down with a seven up chaser to help with the taste. Came out to about a shot glass worth or maybe a little less. Did this about 10 times along with the pills which I did for 18 days. After a few days I was feeling like crap. Headache, stuffy head, flu like symptoms, total fog. It was so bad I stopped at 18 days. I feel this was the most critical step in combating this problem. One had to kill first and illiminate enough candida in order for the good bacteria to take hold. Waited a few days and then went online and typed in ( HOW TO KILL CANDIDA ). Three Lac probiotics came up. So I ordered them. In the advertisement it stated that I may be able to eat normal again almost immediately. So I took about 3 packages per day for three days. I started this about 2 weeks after I had stopped what I refer to be as the kill period. I must of gotton the candida so under control that by the third day of the probiotics I started eating normal again and havnt had any problems since. I did a 90 package order in less than 15 days. Then I ordered another container of 90 and also I ordered Primal Defence and did both of them in about 45 days. Then I ordered another container of Three Lac and milked it for a few months. So in all I did probiotics for about 3 or 4 months. That was in 10/02 to 2/03. So its been 4 years now and still doing good. .
So since I did go thru this and understand it better, I can see where most people have a hard time winning. Its hard to make yourself feel like crap and not give up because human nature is to back off when things are not comfortable, If you do then you will be fighting a loosing battle in my view. That is if you are as severe as I was. We all want to feel better, not worse from our endeavers. Well this is a case where no pain no gain really applies itself..
Anyways hope this helps. If you choose to use my advise remember everything I said and used. If you don’t maybe all it takes is to omit one item and you killed my formula. Made it ineffiecient. Also I was not overweight when this started and had no other health issues.. .