Re: Prisons Purging Books on Faith From Libraries
“We really wanted consistently available information for all religious groups to assure reliable teachings as determined by reliable subject experts.”
This is the very same reason that was given me when I was told that I could no longer conduct bible studies in a certain nursing home. When asked if I could visit certain patients that had no families and actually depended on my weekly visits I was told that I was no longer allowed on the property.
This is an agenda to purge society from everything that has to do with God as they march the path toward a New World Religion. Keep in mind, my bible studies were non-demoninational and also fun.
To try to reason as to why they are purging these books with the excuses given us is redundant. This is but another move toward the New World Order. They have targeted schools, prisons and and now nursing homes? They have targeted our captive audiences and this, of course, trickles into the rest of society.
From the minute Madaline O'Hare first sued to get God out of society every person in the United States should have stood up. But no one did. As the years have gone by, we are still silent as not only our religious, but every other freedom we have is little by little chipped away.
The time to stand up is now. I am sure we can get pro bono attorneys to stand up for our case. In fact, I have thought about this long enough. Time to start looking into it.