18 y
Re: "Which Conspiracy?" - other facts
no argument, just healthy debate.
i don't think u or i or anyone here knows for sure there was no plane wreckage. were u there? ur only relying on hearsay, rumor, pop quotes, etc. besides, i don't think much would be left after such impacts. bodies? at that speed and explosion?
flight 93: have you met and spoken with the family members who died on flight 93?
cell phones: they didn't work on air planes? do u know for a fact what altitude they were at when the calls were made?
Wrong jet engine on the streets of NYC: if that's true, u think they'd be that stupid? here we are giving them all this credit for "handywork", and now they can't even match an engine prop for the conspiracy.
Underground explosions: more rumor and hearsay. can't be certain of that unless u were there and even so, could u identify it has demolition in nature? i couldn't. explosions happen all the time underground in cities.
my biggest problem is in order for many of these conspiracy theories to be true, so many things would have to come together. people, resources, all working in perfect harmony on such a mass scale, yet they made all these silly mistakes? and u mean to say they executed it without any leaks from somebody mainstream? i don't think any govt or domestic subgroup could have that ability.
on the one hand we're saying they have all this power to fleece the public of truth yet on the other, all the so-called facts are moronic mistakes. the conspiracy theorists give too much credit to the so called orchestrator's that it becomes very hard to believe. and then they take it away when its convenient to do so. and then u have the somewhat credible people that weigh in. what's their angle? usually a political axe to grind.
how do u get to the point of conviction with all this? its very dangerous because ur no longer objective.