Master Planners are Feeling Quite Proud
My father in law is an engineer too. Pretty bright man. His five kids went to MIT, Harvard, and Princeton. He is very sound of mind and did not take any alcohol or drugs. A very difficult person to convince of anything unless he came to a certain conclusion from deep within himself.
The day after the towers went down he refused to accept that the planes could have had anything to do with the collapse. Besides a third building was never hit and TOTALLY collapsed as well. Hmmm. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
When relying on facts why not address all the facts? The zeitgeist film is pretty compelling and connects the dots on 911 with lots of concise footage. It moves at a fast clip. The first section goes into the fraud known as Christianity so it might be offensive to some people. The next section goes right to the heart of the twin towers scam. A very big joke has been played on the incredibly naive, brainwashed and blithering populace and it is astounding the depth of myopia pervading the public.
The effects of frequencies or the chemicals or maybe its the metals(?) or simply the massive dumbing down is proving to be incredibly effective. The total lack of discernment tells me the Master Planners are achieving their aims maybe even more easily than they would ever suspect. The next Big Event may be biological which would make it soooo easy for everyone to go running for their vaccinations and pray for detention camps to be erected at a fast pace so they can feel 'safe' again. I am sure the government will 'protect' us. They are so good at that.
This orchestration is brilliant and diabolical but it shows who will pass the Cosmic Pop Quiz or who will end up as space dust. Oh well. The 26,000 year stellar activation cycle is winding down so you could say "It's a wrap".