Raynbo, bless your heart. This is such a normal reaction as it has been ingrained in us all our lives.
We must reach the public. My heart has been burdened so many times as cancer patients choose their doctors rather than the natural route. Simply inviting them to forums for support doesn't work either, as the majority will choose mainstream all the way. The saddest of all is that I have come across three instances when even while told they were terminal, they still will not go the natural way. Two have since died.
I just hope that I will find those that will listen and see that alternative healing is the only way. I am here to share what I know here in these forums. I have had my own issues which I have healed with natural cures and actually my story is quite amazing. Yet, although I tell many, hardly anyone will follow in my footsteps. This is so very sad.
I am blessed with those that follow nature's path. Many have marvelous testimonies. For those that have just begun, healing is on the horizon.