One of my paths in life takes me visiting the sick, our seniors. Today was one such day when, unexpectedly, I received a phone call and found myself spending a good part of the day at Jim and Geraldine's house. Jim is diabetic and Geraldine, his wife, works in a grocery chain with the constant hope that somehow, someday, she will make ends meet.
As we spoke of Jim's condition, we touched on all the medicines that he takes. The list is too long to post here. I have known Jim and Geraldine for quite a while and know better than to outwardly preach about natural healing because despite the agony that Jim goes through, he proudly states, that he will do whatever his doctor instructs him to do. I thought of that old adage, "And if your doctor tells you to jump off a cliff, will you?" Sadly, the answer would be yes.
About four years ago Medicare, which was instituted to protect our seniors, took a very silent and subtle shift. All of a sudden our seniors found themselves paying hundreds of dollars for medications that they needed in order to stay alive. The doctor maze that they had been traveling through had reached the point that their bodies were now being kept alive by synthetic drugs. What had occurred was that without telling those insured, Medicare had stopped paying for brand name drugs. Of course, much of the medication needed by these patients only came in brand names. How convenient. Hence, all of a sudden they found themselves paying ridiculous amounts for the privilege of staying alive.
A couple of years ago various Medicare plans were instituted to help defray this ridiculous cost. This was nothing more than a smokescreen dressed in a pretty package. Where are they now? Worse off than they were before. They have higher monthly payments, co payments, and our seniors are allowed a certain number of prescriptions before again they must pay the full price which amounts to hundreds of dollars a month for one prescription. Exactly how are our seniors supposed to live? Where is the reverence and love with which we are supposed to treat our older generation, our mothers and fathers? Instead they are being raped by the medical profession. Our seniors who grew up in the time when a a man became a doctor to actually help people. They grew up in a time when a doctor would come to see a sick person in the middle of the night. Their world changed so very quietly and subtly that they have no idea how it happened. Now, our mothers and fathers have lost the very quality in their lives.
If they go into assisted living or a nursing home, at least they get taken care of. They get a bed and are fed their meals which consist of nothing else than restaurant canned foods. Why are we serving slop to our mothers and fathers who took care of us while we were young? Those who made sure we ate our vegetables are now being fed canned food containing sodium, preservatives and all those yummy chemicals. Little do they know that upon entering an assisted living facility, they lose all their freedom as the staff takes over ensuring that doctor's instructions are strictly adhered to. This will include taking away any supplements that they depend on for their health. The doctor will take full control of what goes into your body.
Where did those golden years that we all look forward to go? As the general public is afraid that soon they will lose all of their freedoms, little do they realize that our seniors have already lost them. They are trapped in a world being controlled by Big Pharma, their puppet doctors and our government. They have not only lost their self esteem, they have lost their very personhood. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially, they have been raped, left to merely exist, thus spending their golden years.
Yet, mainstream medicine has instilled such fear in people that, rather than using the healing that God has provided us, when faced with serious illness, they will run back to mainstream medicine that only aids in their eventual demise. Sadly, many times family pressures will drive others to mainstream medicine, the love and approval of their loved ones becoming paramount to doing what is in their best interest.
As I visit with our seniors, whether in nursing homes, hospitals, or their homes, I become more and more burdened. There is so much information available with regard to natural cures, yet it never reaches their hands. They trust the one institution that is supposed to help them. The institution that has taken away their very dignity.
Thank you Chris. This did indeed came from my heart as I had just come back from Jim and Geraldine's house. I sat down and my feelings came pouring out. Feelings that I feel so often.
Despite the fact that our seniors are held captive in our medical system, the knife is twisted when they are only allowed a certain number of the very drugs they need to stay alive a little longer and then the price goes up to hundreds of dollars a month for one prescription. This makes no sense and it is outright murder if not blatantly playing russian roulette with their lives.
I love these people and they have become my family. It hurts as I watch their lives being run by those in the medical system. Especially in the most beautiful state of the art new nursing homes. Did we ever see the day when they would not be allowed to take vitamins?
What do these people have left? Maybe somebody to come in once a week, do a bible study, sing, have birthday parties, and just sit down and talk and visit.
Can I do anything about it? It has to be from the top. The nursing home I frequent is just the end trickle from the river that flows from the top, Washington, D. C. I used to voice my concerns to the nurses, even to the administrator only to realize that they too are clueless. They are so used to the system that they merely "do their job." And the doctor is King. A while ago I realized that the best course of action to take is to shut up before I burn my bridges. If all I can do is make them happy and give them love, in order to give them some type of quality of life, that is what I will do. In the meantime, I do observe.
I love what I do. I now get so very melancholy as a resident either passes away or is moved to hospice, as I will not see them again. For the span of time that I knew them, I have done my job. When a new resident comes in those doors, I have my next assignment until the time that our roads part.
Just love your parents Chris. I know it hurts, but love them and build those sweet memories that you can fall back on in the future.
A funny thing happened to me when I was at a funeral yesterday. Actually, this was a friend of mine, only 50, seemed to be in perfect health and happy. However, she was obese. She had a massive heart attack and died instantly. This is another story.
However, at the funeral, who do I see but my physician's (or prior physician actually) husband. For some odd reason we started a conversation and found out that he is very health conscious and takes supplements.
This brings to mind a conversation I had with her not too long ago about natural health and the supplements I was taking. Unlike other doctors, she did not freak. She listened patiently and said that if it worked that was wonderful. As the conversation progressed, she shared with me that she was not "allowed" to endorse any natural cures or even vitamins to her patients.
There are some doctors that boldly do use natural medicine to help their patients, although they are few and far between.
How do you change the world? One person at a time. With the mess that the world is in now, I do see people standing up and fighting back. Not only with regard to Big Pharma but the total enslavement issue. I am one of those and I do realize that one day I may have to die for what I believe in, and that is okay. Hopefully it won't come to that. I do think with enough of us rising up, we do have a chance to save the world.
Raynbo, bless your heart. This is such a normal reaction as it has been ingrained in us all our lives.
We must reach the public. My heart has been burdened so many times as cancer patients choose their doctors rather than the natural route. Simply inviting them to forums for support doesn't work either, as the majority will choose mainstream all the way. The saddest of all is that I have come across three instances when even while told they were terminal, they still will not go the natural way. Two have since died.
I just hope that I will find those that will listen and see that alternative healing is the only way. I am here to share what I know here in these forums. I have had my own issues which I have healed with natural cures and actually my story is quite amazing. Yet, although I tell many, hardly anyone will follow in my footsteps. This is so very sad.
I am blessed with those that follow nature's path. Many have marvelous testimonies. For those that have just begun, healing is on the horizon.
Yes, and I am at a loss at what to do about it. When election time rolls around, I will lay you odds it will be O'bama or Clinton we are voting for on the democratic side, probably Hillary. I assume the medical system will remain about the same as it is. I have a friend who is in her 90s and she just entered one of these places. The only thing is, she doesn't mind the food because she ate mostly canned stuff, anyway. For many years the doctors have had her on a ton of meds. She is always sick and they give her a new one to counteract the effects of the other one, constantly. I have told her about vitamins and organic food, but she prefers drugs and pesticides. She sometimes complains the dr didn't listen to her or she thinks maybe she is not on the right medication (one of the 20 she's on), but she still does what the drs say. She does take a one-a-day vitamin because her dr said she should, i guess. They are full of chemicals, too. She only eats non-organic and she only drinks tap water. I wonder how long she would live had she known how to eat right and not take all those drugs.
My other friend is 80 and she eats organic and takes vitamins and won't take the drugs drs have tried to give her. But she was an alcoholic for many years and smoked and didn't take care of herself. So, she's not in the best of shape.
I have another friend who is in his 70s and the last few years the drs had him on all kinds of unnecessary meds. He eventually had a stroke and now he has been in assisted living for 8 months. I am afraid to call because I am told he is slow to answer. I will go see him at Christmas hopefully. It is so sad what these drs and homes do to people, so very sad for the patient, but probably even sadder for those of us who are aware of all the detrimental health practices they utilize.
My mom has to deal with the problems you spoke of. She takes care of people who are dying or very ill. She's pretty savvy on the different drugs and knows when they shouldn't be on them. But, she can't say anything or she will be fired. One time, she knew there was an interaction and refused to give the drug. The other worker had no problem giving it to her because then the patient would sleep the whole time she was there. This is done a lot in this line of work. Anyway, my mom knew that the drug was causing side effects. She told the family and they took her to the dr and actually got her off the drug. Of course she was still on many other drugs. It's a hard job to have, though. I read it is one of the most stressful and I worry about my mom sometimes. It is hard physically and mentally and emotionally. I have been to many of the homes where she works and seen how demanding it is firsthand.
Yeah, so what do you do. I used to go to carehomes where my friend worked and it was like a prison. The patients had no respect and the workers were all getting minimum wage and most didn't care much. I think as our food and water and air become more polluted, maybe people will at least switch ot organic food and bottled water, but I don't know. I guess it depends on how much money continues to be tied up in the regular food and water. I don't see how we change the drug system, either. And, like you said, you can't say anything to these older people because they don't want to hear it. That's the tough part.