Thanks so much for taking time to send a lengthy and well thought reply. I appreciate it. I will look into everything you recommend. I've already started a healthy whole foods diet recently and am preparing to do some cleansing. I am really interested in what oleander can do for me but my only fear is the possibility of over stimulating my immune system. As I understand it when scleroderma of any type is attacking it's due to your immune system being in a over stimulated state. For instance I read that echinacea is not recommended for scleroderma patients because it will stimulate and possibly worsen symptoms. Am I wrong in thinking this? Also i'm interested in colloidal silver as well. There is much evidence that scleroderma is caused by pathogens of some nature and I believe this could certainly help. My only question on that, does colloidal silver destroy healthy flora in the gut? Thanks again for you time. Mary