Re: Suicide Rate higher for girls then for the past 15 years
Social Engineering, broken families?
You got it right. I am a child of divorced parents. Even before the divorce, it was a broken family (dysfunctional families cause divorce). Rockefeller knew that in order to make society easier to handle, society must become "less united" (divide and conquer).
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As a teenager, I realized that my family was a casualty of this new "competition" between men and women. People didn't want to confine themselves to their proper gender, the gays went mainstream, society went through a couple of generations of "latch key kids" (they had to use their key when they got home from school because both parents were working), women challenged and emasculated the men, people began to question their sexual identity even more, and the nuclear family became a thing of the past. So, you may THINK what you have to say is only valid, but you got it right (insightful). And now that life is much less fulfilling (less attractive/appealing), it is not so surprising that all of society is sad/depressed (some more than others).
(I wish our parents wouldn't have been so gullible).