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Where to begin?
Want2cleanse Views: 953
Published: 20 y

Where to begin?

I've been reading about various detoxifying procedures for a while now. I know my liver is in need of cleansing, frankly my entire body is, but I don't know how to start. There is a lot of stuff I've never heard of that I need to do. Is there an easier way? Or all these various processes really necessary? Oh and what do I do if apple juice causes serious constipation? It's been a problem since I was a child, so much so I wasn't allowed to drink it (and of course I loved apple juice).

I have liver enzymes, which I hope cleansing would help with. I'm just really afraid to do this because I know I'm very toxic.

I guess I need step by step instructions. Can I do subtle changes or does it need to be this extensive? Any tips, advice, anything? I'm confused (if you haven't noticed).


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