Re: Dentist Referral Requested Perth Western Australia
If you use good products, you should be fine without the biocompatibility tests and I would only recommend it to you if you are one of those people who seem to be allergic to everything. For what it would cost you to test, you could fly here and get the work done. I recommned you find a Dentist who uses DiamondCrown or Diamondlite for fillings and uses DiamondCrown for crowns and you should be fine. The Clifford test is certainly cheaper for you, so you could get it if you cannot find anyone to use Diamond products.
Yes, Scientific Health Solutions is a company started by Hal Huggins, then sold to Dr. Levy. Hal was able to get full disclosure. But some products only give the MSDS and others are willing to disclose all or some ingredients. Clifford does not have a full disclosure agreement, but he feels he gets enough info to create a biocompatibility test is what he told me on the phone. On some products he may get a partial list and on other only an MSDS.
I assume you already know that if you have low levels of mercury in your hair, but have a mouthful of mercury, that the mercury is remaining in your system (primarily the brain) rather than excreting.
Yes, I know some Dentists here just over the border who use Diamond products, so if you want to come here, email me. I do not know which is cheaper for you, to fly into Tijuana MX or San Diego, CA.
The maker of Diamond might be able to help you, don't know:
DRM Research Laboratories
29 Business Park Drive
Branford, CT 06045 USA
Phone: 203-488-5555
I have a file with close to 50 Dentists in Austrailia. I don't know if any of them use Diamond and some may not be Biologic, just mercury-free. If you want that list email me.