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Re: die off still??
boldyloxx Views: 2,015
Published: 18 y
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Re: die off still??

Hi Ryger.. lol at the Red Bull every night!

Well, as far as I would gather- Toxins can lodge all over the inside of a person's body -- organs, skin tissues, etc. If you had a heavy load of parasites, they excreted alot of crap in there that is coming out now. Unblocking the colon really helps control alot of this from exiting the skin pores, underarms, etc.

Washing your skin more with a tea trea oil castile soap will really help-- as well as dabbing hydrogen peroxide on the blemishes. Blotting them at night with a baking soda/water paste will further help, and they will scab off and heal. The peroxide will kill what doesn't belong in your pores.

I think the reason Dr. Hulda Clark mentions doing a few Liver Flushes AFTER a parasite cleanse is for this reason. -- Get the liver flushed out of Gallstones and hibernating worms so that it can finally do it's job in detoxing all the die-off chemicals and toxins.

This may be the reason why people who do Liver Flushes in the Liver Flush Forum are always saying how they're skin rashes, exzema or Psoriasis cleared up after 3 flushes or so.

Staying hydrated means pure water with a tiny amount of Sea Salt added throughout the day-- The heavier your body mass, you should aim for anything OVER six eight oz. glasses daily.

I would hold off on ANY alcoholic drinks-- even Red Bull when doing a parasite cleanse, because your liver needs all the help it can get without being distracted by also trying to detox alcohol along with all the parasite die-off, etc.

In between cleanses, you can treat yourself to a Red Bull to celebrate if ya want.

A friend of mine at work has liver issues because of all the perscription medication he "has" to take from his doctor. At least his doctor made SOME sense by addressing his liver issues by telling him to start taking Milk Thistle herb to boost the liver. One doctor I heard-- actually encourages taking one capsule of milk thistle herb three times a day for two weeks-- and do this three times a year for maintenance. I tried this earlier this year and I noticed I had great bowel movements and a few Gallstones in the toilet! I will be doing this again after my upcoming maintenance parasite cleanse and liver flush.

Take care of your liver and your body will really respond nicely to all the cleanses -- you will start noticing a change in your skin and even your eyes will be more whiter and clear.

Hang in there!



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