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Re: well?
Dquixote1217 Views: 1,864
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 959,326

Re: well?

I am not sure that I understand your question.  Are you asking if a drug manufacturer or some agent of Big Pharma could claim contamination because similar compounds are found in a natural supplement to the synthetic or isolated compounds in the patented approved version, of course they could and would do it at the drop of a hat.  Never mind that nature and the natural version of the compound was there first.  All that matters is profits and no deed is too foul to protect their profits and marketplace, regardless of the cost to humanity.

One has but to look at how the FDA allows drugs to stay on the markets long after they are identified as proven killers.  No better example can be found than how long it took to pull Vioxx and what is happening now with Avandia and Fosamax.  The FDA's primary function is to insure profits and suppress competition for those they really serve - the corrupt World Pharma empire.  Any beneficial actions on behalf of humanity are far too often either coincidental, cosmetic or as a result of exposure and public pressure that finally becomes too great to resist.

You know, when I write about the evils and failings of agencies, industries and mainstream medicine, I am really not condemning the rank and file workers in the FDA and other agencies, many of whom sincerly believe they are protecting the public, just as I am not condemning the hundreds of thousands of dedicated, caring and hard working doctors and medical professionals.  It is those who mislead them and guide them that are corrupt.  And it is those who have bought the souls of the misleaders who are beyond corrupt.  They are truly evil.

Sadly, most people, including those in the FDA and other agencies and in the medical professions, are not even aware that such evil people exist, much less that they are being used as tools to control our lives and our health.

DQ (also a Tony)



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