Longer Storie: Flush No. 3 – No stones but…
I just want to tell you my few experience with my flushes and a bit more:
The first flush brought good a result, a huge amount of cholesterine chaff and 5 big stones.
My second flush brought nothing, only some
Ascaris eggs. My naturopath told me, I have to make the
parasite Cleanse first, which I started, but then had to stop because my kidneys were to weak, and I had to cleanse them at the very first. So I did as much as possible, wanted to restart the Pararizol afterwards, but then had a gallbladder attack and decided to try another flush. My kidneys were a bit prepared, I zapped for 2 weeks, drunk only less applejuice and apple cider vinegar, because I couldn’t tolerate that stuff. I didn’t really understood why I couldn’t tolerate the apple acid. But as I tolerate less things anyway, I decided that my Sensibility has to be the reason.
On Friday, when the moon was full, I drank my Epson Salt with Grapefruit Juice and Apple Juice, found it tasted much better than with water. Had already a few BM’s, like somebody here said, I was “peeing out of the bowel”. Drank the Oil/Juice Mixture, felt very nauseaus, slept only very little, had a real bad headache, all my bones were aching too, the symptoms went better as I drank my third dose of Epson in the morning. Went to the Toilet a few times, only “peeing” out of my bowel. Skipped the last half of the Epson and in the late afternoon I decided to make an Enema, because I wanted the sound in my stomach to stop. Made an Enema with pure Water, looked into the toilet and was really shocked. A lot of these black spiderlike stuff and some unidentified objects! Made another Enema, more of the stuff and more dead worms, too. The third Enema brought still more ugly dead animals and spiders and after the fourth Enema, which was nearly clear, I went to my sofa, completely knocked out, drinking water with raw
Sugar and
Seasalt and lemon juice. I couldn’t get these pictures out of my head for the rest of the evening. Urrgh!!
The following night I slept like a baby, like I didn’t for a long time. I dreamt real old stuff out of my childhood… .
But then last night, it was horrible again, just heartbeat as hell, and this horrible feeling of choking. I think the beasts don’t like, that I don’t want them in my liver and body. Now I know, why I couldn’t tolerate the apple acid, I read here on Curezone, that it kills Parasites.
I’m ill since 7 years, not able to work since this time, the main cause is a heavy mercury intoxication caused by
Amalgam Dental Fillings. I wasn’t able to clean my body from the poison, ‘cause every try I made, made everything just worser. I developed MCS, Electrosensivity, Allergies, Rheuma, and all the common deseases. I don’t know, what Symptom I don’t have. Ah Stop, I don’t have sweating foot. OH MY GOD!
3 Month ago I found the
Liver Flush and all the Clark-Ideology, read the
Andreas Moritz Book and was reading a real lot lot lot here in Curezone and I’m so happy about all that. Because I know it works, because I find everything so logical now, you can’t clean a body from poison, if the Liver is congested of stones and Parasites. That was my missing piece of the puzzle. For all other stuff I know more than a doctor.
Now I will restart the Pararizol as soon as I am able to. And I’m really frightened looking forward to the horrible sensations in addition my body will give me, while taking the Wormkiller. And I’m really so fed up of suffering, but I think I have to be strong for some further time. I’m looking so much forward to a healthy live, I cannot remember and image what kind of human I was or will be, if I’m not sick.
Sorry, this is a long text, but I just wanted to tell you, that even if I’m already on the ground, I’m so glad that my prayers worked and I found a way and found people here which are so kind and helpful and really great.
Thanks so much and blessings