Re: Remember that when you go through detox!LOL N/M
Ok..I will.
No other detox could be worse than my first time going 100% raw fooder. I got such infected ears..had horrid earaches in both ears. After a month of trying what I knew for remedies, I had to go and get anti-biotics..too bad I didn't know about
Iodine then! It took a month to clear up the pain, but I kept up the raw foods, lost 71
lbs. and it changed my life.
It's funny, but I started iron first before raw foods, something my son said about his high school teacher and her testomony about iron. I was so unhealthy back then I couldn't walk 1/2 block, I was obese (100
lbs. overweight) and I looked like I was at deaths door.
I tried the iron, and in 3 days I was able to take in a breath of did a lot of good for me and I took it for a whole large daily doses. I found raw foods next, then the healthy raw apple cider vinegar, the
parasite cleanse, and now...Iodine! If I'd know to take
Iodine in the first place before I they started me on thyroid meds when I was 19 I wonder how I would be today? They robbed me of my quality of life!