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Re: Humaworm, AM I NORMAL?
Although I am sure a part of you feels disappointed and that humaworm is not working, you should be glad, really b/c in all probability it may at least be an indication that you are not truly infested to the degree that some people are. If you go back in some of the earlier testimonies on here, you will see that some people did get a die off reaction, however it was very mild -- or --- they got a whammie of a die off reaction at either the very end of using humaworm, or even after they were done using it.
My husband is on around day 14, and hasn't really had anything other than a lot of gas and loose stools for the first week and a half or so. I will tell you this much -- he was def. harboring some parasites (about a month or so ago, he picked something up on travel, and basically lived in the bathroom until we got him on humaworm). Other than that, I've only noticed he has looked a bit tired a few days. No die off like you read about on here alot of times, no parasites in the toilet, etc., etc.
So don't assume b/c you don't see anything or experience any noticable symptoms that you are not infected and that humaworm isn't doing it job. In this day and age, I find it almost close to impossible that anyone is parasite free, unless they have been diligently being dewormed since infancy. And what are the cases of that happening? Probably slim and none.
Good luck and be glad that you aren't going through some of the discomfort and seeing anything nasty!