Re: Health is fading, Been on Humaworn for 2 1/2 weeks, please help!!!!
Your symptoms and your diet sound alot like mine. I found I was high in heavy metals. I used a seaweed supplement that was excellent to help me chelate the heavy metals. But if money is tight I try to include high pectin foods in my diet as we are being exposed to heavy metals constantly, through mercury amalgam tooth fillings, vaccinations, air pollution etc... So I include garlic, number 1 best food for chelating heavy metals in my opinion. Then high pectin foods that chelate also such as apples, pears, carrots, beets (I remember reading it's good at chelating heavy metals in liver). Oats, oat bran, rice bran, sesame seeds and legumes are very good also.
Fiber: Fiber, such as oat bran and apple pectin, will bind to metals and help draw them out of the body. Montmorillinite clay also binds extremely well to toxins and metals for clearance. Fiber such as red beet root fiber is high in proanthocyanidins and antioxidants and facilitates clearance of metals through the liver.
Please read the rest of information on heavy metals also.