Re: Health is fading, Been on Humaworn for 2 1/2 weeks, please help!!!!
The headache.. definitely die off!
I used to have an almost permanent headache before I even started to take my health into my own hands.
I will try to keep my story brief.... but a few years ago about 3-4 yrs ago, I was made redundant but I had also been harrassed/bullied at work for several years, I was a nervous wreck and life was a real drag.
By the time I lost my job my health was on a steady decline, I had suffered with headaches for many years, I thought it was due to stress and tension, I often had migraines, or a pain over my left eye/temple that would last for 3 weeks at a time, I would pop painkillers all day long!
I suffered with constant lethargy, turning to prescription drugs and stuff like caffeine tablets to help with the fatigue.
I have had digestive problems since early childhood (my mum recently informed me that I had worms as a toddler....mmmmm starts to make sense now), for as long as I can remember I have had a 'pouch' and almost never ending bloating and constipation, imagine all the laxatives I have consumed since my teenage yrs.
Stomach aches, headaches, pains in my chest, in my shoulders, the pain inbetween my shoulders and upper back I always was told because i was stressed/tense.
I have been diagnosed with depression, something very close to narcolepsy, extreme fatigue, have been overweight a lot, or underweight when in my teens, twenties and thirties, bit overweight now.
I have had many episodes where I have retreated from social life for up to a year at a time.
Several years ago, I was on anti depressants, stimulants for the sleepiness, lansaparole - stomach acid inhibitor because of the extreme digestive problems, and a stomach ache that was constant for nearly 3 years.
When I read up on the lansaparole - I discovered that I was in fact taking something that was going to make more ill and would only assist me to an early grave.
By this time I was desparate I was in my early forties and felt as though all I had to look forward to was death.
Anyway, I started to research acid reflux, food combining, then onto colon cleansing, parasite cleansing (which I wasnt doing right and suspect I was causing resistant parasites) until late last year I began to read Humaworm's curezone site thoroughly, and it slowly dawned on me where I was going wrong.
I am happy to report that my health and my life have improved beyond all my expectations and most definitely beyond my familys total expectations.
I dont take painkillers all day long perhaps every other day and diminishing, i am no longer on any prescription drugs, I weaned myself off all of them.
I have been back at work for approx 3 yrs and I have gone from strength to strength, and have actually realised one of my goals as I have landed a permanent job in IT which I start in two weeks time after 3 yrs of temping jobs!
I have a social life and am also dating, bit quiet on the dating front at present but I'm working on it!! LOL.
I have come on leaps and bounds since discovering Humaworm, yes its not the easiest cleanse I have tried but it is the MOST effective.
Please, please keep reminding yourself of why you are going through this difficult time, once through it, life will improve.
It isnt a quick fix, expecially if like myself you have a very heavy infestation, and I too am still battling with mine.
The die off stinks, I know, but nothing worth having ever came easy!
I'm sending positive energy to you and 'anemiarulesme'.
Keeping you both in my thoughts and hope that you both have some relief from your problems soon.
my health has never been the greatest (my mum told me I had worms as a toddler...)