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Re: 3 Days Off Iodine
Infinitelove Views: 3,709
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Re: 3 Days Off Iodine

Megabite...I'm going to come at you now from a purely 'experiential' pov. This is what I experienced first hand:

"The reason I am stopping for now is that I have been having the right knee and right hip pain. It was no so much at first and would mostly hurt when I slept on my right side. Lately it has been hurting when I sit down as well. I constantly have to shift positions.

The day before yesterday the knee and hip (the knee mostly) were hurting so bad it was almost excruciating. So I decided to take a break from Iodine."

**It was wise to stop..when you're experiencing that much pain to where your lifestyle is altered, imo, that indicates the kidney/liver are overwhelmed and need respite. It's like beating a worn-out old horse with a stick, compelling him to keep tilling the field.

"Am I now Iodine sufficient?"

**No one could accurately determine that for you, MB, except an iodine-loading test.

"Or is this still deep rooted detox coming out?"

**When my hip/knee/ankle hurt (excruciating like yours!), I discovered that my kidneys not only needed TLC via kidney herbs/foods/water, but that certain junctures of my colon (ileo-cecal valve particularly) were blocked/weak/in disrepair. See this:


**After a determined fast with OJ, watermelon, cayenne, exercise & GOOD DEEP SLEEP, I found that the blockage passed out of me and along with it, the pain in the knee, hip & ankle!

"The weird thing about it is last night I started getting a few more slightly achy joints, such as in my shoulders and collar bones, and I did not do Iodine yesterday."

**Achy joints in the shoulders, collar bones & general cervical area typically indicates infection in the liver/gallbladder. See this:

"I'm not sure if I will resume my 50+ mg.s (or go higher?) when the 3 days are over, or if I will lower my dose, and if so, what will that be?"

**I would not resume until your joints are less inflamed. I started out with a lower dosage and worked my way back up. Ask your body how much Iodine it needs every day. I'm convinced that the dosage varies day to day.

"I am really going to pay close attention to how my body is feeling and go from there."

**That truly is the wisest course of treatment, imo ;-)


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