Re: Finishing third day
Master-Cleanse is a roller coaster ride, especially the first 2-4 days.
Depression is not
Try a walk, cold shower, soak in a nice hot tub,drink another lemonade, call a friend, throw cold water in your face...anything to break the focus on depression...exercise is exceptional for you at that state, and
Depression can go away as fast as it came...
There is a light at the end of the fog tunnel...think about how great that will feel and the feeling of accomplishment...see yourself in 10 days...lighter, brighter
and peaceful.
Drink up to help the body rid the toxins more effectively and with less discomfort.
For me and many others, the
Master-Cleanse is not just a cleanse of the body or a 'diet' to lose weight. It is a discipline enhancer/developer and a purger of negative energy, thoughts and feelings as well...
Focus on the power you are feeling and achieving. Not many people would take on what you are doing , in fact few . Think about why you are partaking in the MC
and feel good about those reasons, reaffirming that you are worth it and enjoying doing something great for yourself.