Re: "Flush Lite"; Question abouth the olive oil dose.
Hiya Rotgut!
There are lots of flushes like the 5-day flush or 7-day flush that call for just a couple tablespoons of olive oil and lemon juice, usually on carrot salads and part of a complete protocol involving liver herbs as pills and tea, and fresh-squeezed veggie juices, and perhaps the occasional
coffee enema or just flushing enemas.
I've also read posts where people on strict diets suddently eat a high-fat meal then do Yoga stretches end up releasing stones. :) I had something similar happen to me when I rocked out on buttered popcorn. ;)
In these long-term cleanses (not so much flushes, but definitely cleansing)
Epsom Salts is no longer really necessary. Coupled with bowel cleansing, this kind of gentle
Liver Cleansing can be very effective.
So you have tons of options really, that will allow you to remain within your comfort zone but still improve the health and vitality of your metabolic organs.
For more info please feel free to peruse the liver notes in FAQ in the Ask Shelley forum. :)