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Re: Always a Failure
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Published: 18 y
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Re: Always a Failure

Hi Daisy,

I like the statement that you just made...acknowledging how successful you (and others) have been in surviving and staying alive despite how you feel. That is quite a magnanimous accomplishment considering a lot of people who felt that way actually DID end their lives ( for whatever reason.. not for me to judge).

The only criterion to be a "success in living" is being ALIVE. That means you are "living" no matter WHAT that looks like. At least that is what Darwin said.
"Survival of the Fittest". The ones that have "survived" ( literally too) are the ones that are fit enough to realize they are worth something to remain staying alive.

I remember reading somewhere that a suicide counselor would listen to people who were considering ending their lives and at the end... the counselor would always ask the same question:

"So... why are you still living, then"? I got the feeling that she wasn't asking it in a sarcastic way but in a sincere way... really wanting to get to the bottom of WHY they were still alive if they felt THAT bad.

That would always be the turning point. The person would end up listing one, two.. then a LOT of reasons as to why they were alive... and then.. in the end, they pretty much answered the question for themselves as to why life was worth living.

Maybe you could list here ( if u want to) some reasons as to why you choose to remain alive. That could be a good start for some meaningful support.

I think everyone has felt the way you do, in some time in their lives... the world always dangles a carrot in front of us ... and when we obtain it, then the media is always telling us that it simply is not good enough.. and we are inundated by messages from left and right telling us what we SHOULD be..

It takes a special pair of eyes to see through all the lies and it takes all the will one can muster sometimes to say

HEY! I'm just fine the way I AM!

include in the list all the things that you

1. enjoy
2. want to experience e.g. traveling , scuba diving etc. ( unless you already do that)
3. wish to do for others

see how long and creative you can get with that list



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