Re: EFA's: let's get down to the answer! WHY!?
Well obviously
Acne is just a symptom of whatever imbalances are going on inside the individual, and it seems it can be a mutual symptom for many different situations. Therefor its soooo impossible to figure it out and find things that universally work for everyone. I take a product called Total EFA, because Im a vegetarian and cant take fish oil. I think its a very good thing to take, I feel it does benefit my skin and my body overall, but it does NOT clear my acne. The thing is, I have actually beautiful, healthy looking skin UNDER my
Acne and
Acne scars. I know my acne is caused by toxins making their way out of my body any way they can. Im working on this but its so hard.
You say you took all the efa cofacters, including coconut oil? Because you know, I think coconut oil makes a bigger difference in controlling my acne {for whatever reason, I dont know!} than the efa. I also noticed some other benefits from taking coconut oil {for one, I dont get chills as bad. Im one of those people who starts shivering if the temp gets under 75 degrees and coconut oil seems to provide some warmth somehow}.