First Flush!!
Thanks for the input spleenpain!
I went through with the flush Friday night (Clark version) after eating two big helpings organic apple sauce and apple juice prior to 2:00 PM. The
Epsom Salts didn't agree with me. I had about 8 watery BM's and started to worry about dehydration. The olive oil and grapefruit juice went down surprisingly easily; I got it down quick.
I woke up around 1:30 in the morning with incredible nausea. I had another watery BM and lied on the bathroom floor for about 15 minutes until it passed, and then was okay. I woke up with mild nausea in the morning, but it passed after going to the bathroom.
I couldn't believe what came out the next day. I'm guessing somewhere between 150 and 200 stones, many of which were pea sized or larger - one was actually the size of a hard candy. Toward the end, I passed a few red stones, some little red "s" shaped worms (at least that's what they looked like) and some stones with the worms embedded in them. One of the more freaky looking stones was like an elongated jelly bean with white, green, grey and black in it - it looked pretty sickening. Bottom line, I can't believe I was carrying that stuff around inside me. I ended up skipping the morning
Epsom Salts , because I think the first round dehydrated me.
On the downside, I'm having a hard time eating now. It doesn't seem like things are moving through my system. The past two evenings when I tried to eat dinner, I had angina like symptoms and my nasal passages and lips became mildly swollen. I'm wondering whether or not this may be dehydration. Also, I dropped about six to eight
pounds and I'm worried about malnutrition as a result of difficulty eating. Any thoughts?