17 y
Please send bulletin out on myspace lets get this sucker off the market
Please copy and paste this and lets get the word out on myspace and through email lets inform people w/ word of mouth and get this off the market. Feel free to add anything that I hve missed my bulletin has started lets get it to go full circle.
------------Please if you are experiencing loss of energy,hair loss, acne, joint pain, numbness, racing thoughts, excessive sweating, mood swings, anxiety, migraines, depression, facial hair growth, extreme appetite,weight gain,racing heart, seizures or anything else that makes you feel lazy, postpartum, hypercondriac, 40yrs older than you are or crazy please listen to your body and check out this forum about Mirena you are not alone this birth control is having severe side effects for many women. Please repost this bulletin so we can get the word out about this horrible birth control. Please if you are experiencing these terrible side effects get it removed asap and report them to the FDA.
"//" or google Mirena Side Effects