Re: Your Immune System
When have you ever corrected me? I can't recall of any specific time, I'd be curious to see if you can point one out.... And even if you had, there would be no sense of retribution, you are among the few who can stay on topic. Except this time, but I'll ignore it.
I never expected you to respond to the information that I occasionally elucidate pertaining to your posts. I would have to dig up some. One of them was about supplement studies when you were debating with DQ. Another one had to do with a debate between you and Supersport. I don't know if you even understand where I come from sometimes. I don't believe you are stupid. I believe you are intelligent in certain ways. In fact, I suspect you are talented in certain ways. There have been a few times when you asked me something to the effect, "Didn't you read the information?" There are times when I think the same thing when you respond to me. Sometimes it is like you didn't even consider what I wrote. This tells me that we have different ways of looking at things or perhaps, we don't even want to see things the way some others see them.
I only contradict you when you are wrong; stop being wrong so I won't have to set the record straight. I don't know what "energetic miscommunication" means, though I imagine if immune cells are attacking healthy self cells then there is some miscommunication. Seems to be one of those statements that does not really say anything.
Your quote from above in blue is another example. If you don't understand what I am trying to convey with the term "energetic communication" then why does that make we wrong? I guess your first sentence should be in a separate paragraph.
I don't think you read all of my posts here on Curezone. "Energetic miscommunication" is a term that I thought of. I believe it best describes part of my own journey to healing and optimal health. The body is made to heal itself. When it does not heal after you feed it the proper nutrition the question becomes "Why?". Based partly on my experience, it seems that my own belief system had something to with my minor problems with my spine. After having many chiropractic adjustments over the years, the same symptoms wouldn't go away. I am not necessarily attacking the profession. I have wondered why it doesn't always work. There are several theories why it doesn't. When I started to work with energy this was when my symptoms immediately started to disappear. One of my symptoms was pain in and around my spine when I moved my head to normal extremes.
Beliefs and objects have frequencies and I have demonstrated this to others with blind muscle testing.
To add something else to this, I can understand why conventional medicine is threatened by certain types of healthy foods and alternative medicine. It is because it is a threat to their profits and their jobs. I think there is a place for certain types of conventional practices.