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O/T Berlin Olympics 1936 - IS COMPETITION HEALTHY?
turiya Views: 3,658
Published: 18 y

O/T Berlin Olympics 1936 - IS COMPETITION HEALTHY?

It was asked on the Iodine supplementation forum earlier:

"-- The most outstanding on record --- Hitler's Germany won a total of 101 medals (41 gold) and 223 points. Their only credible rival was the United States, which though three times larger in population won 40% fewer, medals and points. (25 gold medals - 4 to Jesse Owens - and just 132 points).

America's size did little to reduce its humiliation. Hitler's Germany (population 80 millions) won more gold medals than the United States, Great Britain, India, Canada, Argentina, France, and Norway together, which collectively had a combined population 14 times greater than Germany's population."

"Ever think there might be something to learn about health and nutrition from the Third Reich?"

****I respond, here, with some quoted information...some thoughts of my own... as i am now banned from the Iodine supplementation forum... for some reason or other...****


George Orwell famously said, 'Sport is war minus the shooting,' and there are many examples to back this up.

Most people would say that competition is good, that it prepares one for life which is competitive in nature. But even supporters of competition realize there must be limits to the competitive spirit. People whose only goal in life is to win in any way they can no matter who they hurt and no matter what they have to sacrifice are not healthy competitors but excessive competitors.

1) Competition is an unavoidable fact of life, a part of human nature.
2) Competition motivates us to do our best and be productive.
3) Competitive contests provide the best way to have a good time.
4) Competition builds character and is good for self-confidence.

Kohn insists that competition is learned behavior not natural behavior, that cooperation is more productive than competition, that competition is the source of considerable anxiety, fear of rejection and defeat, that competition feeds social divisions, anger and violence, that there is no empirical proof for the tradition that competition builds character, that competition changes our fundamental orientation toward others to trying to beat them, that competition leads to envy and anger toward those who beat us and contempt for those we beat, and that competition leads people to feel and act more hostile toward others.

Here are some quotes from Kohn:

“Vince Lombardi’s famous comment “Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing” is a capsule description of our entire culture.”
“The highest human values do not require competition.”
“It feels good to prove oneself better than someone else but to succeed by making another player or team fail is rather base.”
“The pure pleasure of competitive triumph is first cousin to the pleasure of punching someone in a state of manic excitement.”
“When we say that someone is ‘one of the most competitive people around’ we are not generally recommending that person as a friend.”
“Competing drags us down, devastates us psychologically, poisons our relationships and interferes with our performance.”
“Competition is the most pervasive occasion for anxiety in our culture.”
“Compassion can be construed as a weakness if it is experienced in a competitive situation.”
“Competitive pressures are a prominent contributor to the alarming risk of suicide.”
“Competition has at its heart self-interest.”
“Competitive and spectator sports raise aggressive feelings.”

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My own feelings about this are that competition is a necessary road for human beings to take on their way through this existence... it is part of the "getting lost" that everyone goes through in this corporeal world - But a very necessary journey one has to take before one is able to understand what "coming back home" really means...

It is a path, guided by ego, that takes us through the many hills and valleys of successes and failures... for it is a cut throat business living in today's world... it is easy for the ego of the mind to become obsessed with the idea of beating the others out in a race to survive... in the struggle to get to the top... it is a learned behavior... it can become a deeply seated habit... it leads one further and further away from himself... from his precious health... further away from a world of sharing with others... and more into one that has us feeling that we are all very isolated and separate from each other...

And then, if your lucky, one day, it finally comes... that you have made it! have arrived to the ultimate peak ... there you are, all alone at the top of your mountain... the one thing you've desired so hard to achieve... and finally you've got it... but very soon, this aloneness turns into a loneliness... because this entire game that is played depends on the others to be there with you... to compete with... to keep you driven... to keep you moving upward towards your isolated goal - of being #1 ...this is your ultimate separation from the rest of existence... because there can only be one #1... and then comes the despair and the real anguish... and the wondering of 'what happened?'...'where's the joy in being victorious?' ...that you've been fighting with others to get? ...but it isn't anywhere to be found...

it is said, there is no failure like the failure that comes with being successful... because, then you come to find... there is just emptiness in your hands... in your heart... and it really doesn't mean a damn thing...

I imagine this is what Hiltler felt in the end... as he put the gun to his own head...



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