Re: a bad thing happened re:Molly Bloom
Hi Molly
Yes I am now doing it as I take my morning shower so I feel safer. Not sure what to do this evening - maybe out in the garden... I like to do it on the computer too because it makes the time go by faster - Maybe a whole tablespoon is too much for me because I have a small mouth. By the time I get done there is sooooo much in my mouth it is hard to swish anymore. I am using sesame oil and I have been doing i a week or so. I have this weird condition that I think is a mucous problem where it feels like a lump in my esophagus. It doesn't hurt but is really uncomfortable but when I OP it goes away and when I don't it comes back. I started it because I thought I was having oral flush and I think it may be part of that syndrome because when I do it the white spots and coating in my mouth and on my tongue also go away.
I am changing my diet as well and spend mucho time on the barefoot forum. It's really great! Eventually I will start cleansing in earnest. But this technique has chnged things for the better already.
One thing though - no matter how long I swish it always still has a yellow tinge to it.
thanks for your input and I will now come out of the closet instead of using the # because of my embarrassment over this...
I guess I'm not the only one. I was afraid if someone walked on the carpet in bare feet they would get an infection so I was scrubbing with peroxide and various other cleansers. I will add this to the list of resons I hate carpeting.